JJ's plea to SSI not to fund people in prison
The other day on the show, JJ took offense that American taxpayers were still funding the defendant in front of her, who spent some time in jail. He collected about $700 in disability, and JJ said it's wrong for taxpayers to pay for his prison as well as disability. She then looked into the TV camera and asked the 'new administration' to put an end to this. She got a round of applause, as her intent seemed reasonable.
But quite honestly, as a taxpayer, I'm not concerned with this guy getting $700-800 a month in disability, while we 'pay' for his prison cell.
I'm more concerned with my taxpayer dollars funding retirements for judges, mayors, governors, and others who end up in jail (aka 'country club') for their white-collar crimes which include embezzlement, tax-dodging, racketeering, bribery, extortion and mail fraud as well as other white-collar crimes while in office. They are still eligible to collect their state and federal pensions - earning between tens of thousands of dollars to hundreds of dollars each month - while we're footing the bill for them to go on a Federal vacation.
C'mon Judy - leave this guy alone. Start pleading with lawmakers to take away the government-taxpayer funded 'multi-thousand and hundred thousand' pensions and retirements of these white-collar criminals before you take away $700.
"Splodey heads keep splodin' " - Sarah Palin, 7-1-16