Ward/Galloway vs. Reid 1/31/2017
Wow, what a couple. Jonathan "Chris" Reid ("Straight out the 80s into the '90s" aka Kid vs. Play "The Battle") was in court being sued by his baby Moms Janette Ward and her new man Travis Galloway.
Janette spoke so damn slow. Usually, some people speak like they're on twenty pounds of meth, but Janette spoke like she was on sixty pounds of marijuana. She would be hot, if she fixed herself up.
I loved Janette's April O' Neil brown leather jacket!!!!! Go 'head babygirl!!!
Travis Galloway did seem way too involved in Janette's business with her baby daddy. I do believe that Travis wanted to start some sh!t over FB (WHY?!!?). By all accounts and purposes, Travis had a height/weight advantage over Jonathan, which means he could have easily whooped that ass. Why start drama over Facebook about stuff that doesn't concern you?!
Janette: "So...we....dec-sided....to...move...to Wash-in-ton..." Bitch was possessed by the soul of William Shatner.
Oh, and the second case? Some sugar-in-the-tank guy suing someone else about a car on the side of a house because the defendant was supposed to tow it or did tow it? The commercials lasted longer than the actual case. It was like straight ten minutes worth of commercials.
"I don't have no receipts" - Defendant in second case.
Knock it off, Hudson.