What's Your Sign?

Just making small talk.

I think that:

Arnold is a Pisces
Gerald is a Scorpio
Helga is an Aries
Phoebe is a Virgo
Rhonda is a Leo
Sid is a Gemini
Harold is a Cancer
Eugene is an Aquarius
Mr. Simmons is a Cancer
Lila is a Libra




Gemini...dammit why does Sid have to be one too I didn't like him lol.

I was thinking Helga was either a Capricorn, Scorpio or Aries.


Helga's b-day is a week before April fools.
She has to be a March baby. So either Pisces or Aires.

If Arnold is a Pisces, that would make his birthday March 7.

As for me, I'm a Taurus and May baby


Helga's b-day is a week before April fools.
She has to be a March baby. So either Pisces or Aires.

I don't know. I've read that Arnold's birthday could be October 7 from the Hey Arnold Wiki Fan page.

"Arnold, my love, why must I worship you...and NEVER EVER tell?" 



"Arnold, my love, why must I worship you...and NEVER EVER tell?" 
