Who REALLY wears the pants?

Frank or Marie?

I would say Marie. I mean no one can argue that Frank fits the image of the "real man". He is the bread winner, tough, aggressive, uncompromising,,etc. However, It's Marie's personality and whims that seem to dominate the entire household (hers and Raymonds). Everybody seems to cower before her. she is so skilled at manipulating and using guilt. Frank may be a portrait of masculinity, but all Marie has to do is threaten not to cook, and that is enough to make him shut up, and behave! I can think of nothing comparable that he could threaten Marie with that would make her back down.

Traditional Italian culture tends to be male-dominated, with the men as tough heads of households. However, Italian wives/mothers seem to have powerful, strong personalities that transcend all of that. Has anyone else noticed this?


Totally agree.
