This show obviously exists in.....
it's own personal self-contained Universe where the rules of The Real World don't apply. Nobody on this show talks or behaves like a normal sane human being. And I'm not just talking about Ray, either. Every single character on this show is crazy and insane in their own way. And they are people I would NEVER want to associate with, here in The Real World. There's no doubt about that. And all those things that *supposedly* happened to the writers, directors and producers in the aforementioned Real World that "inspired" them to write all these stories? Nope. Uh-uh. I'm calling bulls***. It's all completely impossible. People dont behave this way in TRW. People like Phil Rosenthal and all the people who worked for him on this show all these years? They obviously made everything up. It was all a complete work of fiction. Because I refuse to believe that the things that happened to these fictional characters actually happened to Real Life people. NOTHING that ever happened on this show EVER happened to me or anyone I know. And it isn't just because I was an only child and adopted, either. And I'm sick of being thought of as a crazy person only because I have posted frequently here for the last two years or so on this subject and made to feel like a moron because I was merely expressing my opinions. I won't have that. And I won't put up with it anymore. If any of you don't like what I have to say, just block me. It's that simple. Because I've blocked enough of you while I've been here. You have to, in order to keep your sanity intact, know what I mean? And I dont give second chances, either. Once you're on my block list, you're STAYIN' there, and you ain't NEVER gettin' off of it! Life is too short, know what I'm saying?
That's all I got.