Hate to break it to you, but it appears as if TV networks dont do sitcoms the way they used to anymore. You know, where they had laugh tracks or they were filmed in front of a live audience. They did that all the time in the 70s, 80s, and 90s, but by the 21st century that kind of comedy program fell by the wayside in favor of sitcoms that did not have laughtracks and were not filmed in a studio. Case in point: "The Middle" and "Modern Family", two hits for ABC. But yes, "The Big Bang Theory", a hit for CBS, is old-school and has a live studio audience, but IMO should have gone off the air years ago.
I noticed this kind of thing myself not too long ago. Sitcoms where an audience laughs at the jokes and punchlines are now starting to fade out, while comedy shows that just present themselves and they dont tell you where you need to laugh are now more common. And let's not forget how the vast majority of shows on now are reality-based. Even though they are staged and scripted for the most part, they are a lot cheaper to produce and they dont need to hire big name actors to appear in them.
To answer your question, I dont really watch TV the way I used to, so I really cant tell you what would be a good sitcom that you might enjoy. Sorry about that!