All of them! I am so sick of Ray being bashed on this board! He screws up often, yes, but tries to please her more often to make up for it and all she does is screech and scream and freak out like a manic-depressive psycho! She makes me feel like it's okay a belt a woman to shut her the F up!
I think she really does fly off the handle at times. I understand that Ray is a nightmare, but there are times when she just snaps at him for doing nothing.
That being said, Ray was with her for a long time. He knows that she wants help with the home and kids, yet he does nothing. He also puts her down and mocks her at every chance he gets. He a pretty bad husband.
<< He knows that she wants help with the home and kids,>>
But why should he be helping her with the housework and the kids? That is HER job. Plus she has a more-than-willing family member just across the street to help out.
<< They are actually both pretty awful! >>
They are, haha! I think it is funny when Ray and Debra think their marriage is so much better than Frank and Marie's when it is really a lot worse.
I see where you're coming from. She is a home-maker.
However, Ray has very little interest in his children. I think that would upset me; even if I were the primary care giver.
In regards to house work.... I'm never sure how to feel. In some episodes I hate Ray and can't believe he won't do a simple small task, and would rather get in to a fight about doing something, as opposed to doing it. Other times, Debra seems to want to do everything and be a martyr.
She may have Marie, but any help she gives comes with Put-Downs and criticism... I think I would rather struggle than accept her help!
Haha! I completely agree with you! I find it funny when Ray and Debra act superior to Frank/Marie, when their own relationship needs a lot of work!
I would hate to be in a relationship with anyone on this show!
But why should he be helping her with the housework and the kids? That is HER job. Plus she has a more-than-willing family member just across the street to help out.
The thing is, the kids are Ray's as well. There shouldn't be a "job" raising kids that you helped make. Not to mention Ray was the one who wanted and brought up having kids. Then in season 2, he has the nerve to cry about wanting more kids and Debra selling the baby stuff when he doesn't take care of the 3 he has now. Both parents are responsible for their kids. Now the HW may see the kids more, and bit a bit more involved, but the father shouldn't be negligent. If he doesn't have to do anything with his kids, or care because he has a job, then 2 parents who work, I guess have earned the right to neglect their kids, because the job is more than enough.
Same with a housewife. I believe the HW is in charge of overseeing the house while the working spouse won't always be home. But a house that belongs to 2 adults is responsible for being cared for by both adults. Now HW is the primary care-taker, thus has more responsibility to things. But primary is not only. There has to be a secondary. Some are confusing Housewife with a maid.
If it's only a housewife's job to care for the house, then what happens when both people work? Again I guess they both have earned the right to do nothing regarding the house because they worked all day.
And something I notice with some fans of the show. They're all over the place with Debra. On the one-hand, the house is her sole responsibility because she's the HW. It's her job. But on the other, the same people will call her controlling. If the house is her's to be in charge of, then that makes her the boss. Like she told Ray in one episode -he doesn't help out around the house, therefor he has no right to make decisions in it. And some hate on her for that, even though it's true.
You don't help out with it, then you get no say in it. __________ If you're gonna pretend to cut her hair, at least put some scissors in your hand! reply share
With regards to the housework, I have a definite opinion because I've been in both positions. When I was married, my ex had his own business, worked really long hours and although I would have loved some help or input, I didn't expect it or ask for it because he worked hard and made excellent money. I had no worries about bills and was very appreciative. To be clear though, I think the writing has been inconsistent...remember Ray pushing the sweeper on Christmas morning? I know there were a few more times as well that he contributed. He definitely helped out at times that she didn't ask, so the times that she b*tched at him for not wanting to do stuff was unfair. Like the time they were having company and she wanted help shampooing the rug! He just wanted to chill and relax on the couch. "I don't see the need!" I totally agreed and was psyched he stood up to her, but of course she got the last word by spitefully sucking up the remote with the vacuum. Do what you want to deep-clean for company, but he works full-time to pay all the bills, do your own full-time job in the home and leave him the hell alone!
I think it's a combination of her talking so fast, that shrill shriek, and her constant verbal put-downs and insults. She went so much further than just saying "I'm so mad or aggravated at you right now!" She shoved him into a bookcase, smacked him, hit him, threatened him, dumped food on him, hit him in the nuts, called him an idiot daily, shrieked "sometimes I just wanna smack you!", yelled at him in front of his friends, denied knowing him because he wanted to eat at a function... She went overboard too often and I'm not sure if it was the writing, her over-acting, or a combination of both.
Saw an episode when she showed her cleavage and wore a miniskirt to a PTA meeting because Ray made up some story about some PTA members gossiping about her. Very annoying episode.
dini0519...I agree, that was immature and spiteful. She was often very spiteful. Another really annoying episode was her surprise party that once she thought Ray was doing something, she took it over and completely ruined it, and then totally embarrassed herself by being so phonily surprised. Ugh, that was cringe-worthy.
Thank you! I can't stand Debra and have said so many times on this board. She's a spoiled brat who is always complaining about being so busy but she's always sitting around doing nothing or sleeping on the couch or reading. Very rarely is she seen doing anything with the kids and she never does any work around the house.
The times she's been most annoying is when she tells Ray to be happy because he's married to her, the time she smugly told everyone that there was no doubt she was smarter than Ray and how she never takes Ray's side on anything.
The show is on tonight that Debra is the most annoying. Ray is putting together a family picture for his mom's Christmas present and Debra asks her parents to be involved. Why? It's supposed to be a Barone family picture and her parents had no business being involved. If Debra wanted pictures with them, she should have scheduled another time for them.
Debra is an arrogant snob who thinks she better looking and smarter than anyone else. Lousy housekeeper, mother and wife....just can't stand her.
Slightly OT, but whenever I see this episode, I think "Why can't they take more than one picture??" I have had family photos taken, and they typically take more than one shot. Why couldn't they compromise by taking a picture with each of the families, then one all together?
I understand there wouldn't be much of a comedy factor if that's how the episode unfolded, but I just find it to be stupid and unrealistic that this causes such a stir, when there is such an obvious solution, IMO.
"Are you hinting my apples aren't what they ought to be?" -The Wizard of Oz, 1939
Another time she really annoyed me is when she asked Ray for some free time from the kids, and made such a big stink of it, so he took them to the park for a few hours. Does she appreciate it or enjoy it? Of course not! She uses it as another excuse to criticize and harass him! She follows him there, b*tches at him that he forgot the kids' coats and then actually b*tches at him for helping the other Moms out with their kids--horrible person that he is for doing that. Stay home, enjoy the goddamn free time that he gave you, shut up, and leave him the hell alone!😒
Right! The kids loved it, so what the heck, be grateful! Another time she really annoyed me was when she flipped out on Robert, she tweaked on him, and as usual she was talking so fast, loud, shrill, and disrespectful- she made him break down and cry, then she felt bad because she knew what a b*tch she had been to him and even admitted it "I was just so mean to you!" He worshipped her, but only because he was so jealous of Raymond--any other bro-in-law, if he really liked his brother, would have hated her!
I'm new to this show so all episodes are new for me. I just saw the one where Robert is dating a 22 year old. And then found out she was only 19. The rest of the family was equally horrible about it but no one worse than Debra. Robert was happy and it was no one else's business. Sure they lied about their ages but they weren't hurting anyone, just enjoying each other's company. Then Debra has to open her big mouth and ruin it. I'm glad Robert spoke up to her the way he did. Debra should have just stayed out of it.
I know right? I just saw that episode last night too. It was also so rude of Debra when the girl said Robert was 35 to laugh loud and hysterically, making him look and feel like an a*s AND causing him to lose the girl. It's none of her business what age he tells anyone he is. So rude!
For me it's "Lateness," when Debra agrees to be on time for Ray's big awards dinner. Of course, with just three minutes left (just enough time to get downstairs and into the car), she chooses to primp a little more and gets her hair stuck in the curling iron. Then, in usual Debra fashion, she plays the victim and makes Ray feel like crap for the rest of the episode, when it should have been vice versa.
Why didn't Debra just take some scissors and cut her hair out of the curling iron? Geez.
I love the episode where she demanded they go to marriage counseling and he turned the tables on her in the therapy session and he came out smelling like a rose with the doc and she looked like the bad one lol
In this Thanksgiving episode from season 6, Lois, Debra's mom announces that Warren will be bringing a date to Thanksgiving. Lois is fine with it, and Ray says that's what's important. She's nasty to Ray for his opinion, and only wants Marie's opinion because she agrees with her.
Then later, the way she treats Ray, and accuses him of having a crush on their former fat housekeeper, Claudia. She was a monster in this episode!