MovieChat Forums > Clueless (1996) Discussion > Didn't Cher and Di loose their virginity...

Didn't Cher and Di loose their virginity in the movie?

I swear to god Di and Murray originally slept together in the movie then at the end although it was never really confirmed it was hinted Cher slept with Josh.

Although I think that's kinda gross as he's her stepbrother and all.

But anyway the TV series went on to pretend like they were all virgins!

"Nobody Bitch Slaps Brenda!"
Brenda Meeks (Scary Movie 4)



no dionne and murray didn't do it in the movie...they did it in the last episode of cluless



Di and Murray had sex in the movie and the TV show. Of couse, they overlook stuff and there's always plotholes in TV shows and stuff. But in the movie, Cher says Di went from technically being a virgin (meaning oral sex) to her virginity being non existant (they slept together). Di also says in the diner (before she loses her virginity) that she "Keeps her man satisfied..if you know what I mean" and then Brittany Murphy's character is like "You're a virgin!?". So yeah, they were doing oral sex and then after the whole freeway incident where they're talking about Christian being gay, Di and Murray had sex. And then they did the whole losing their virginity thing again in the TV show!


woah...thanks 4 explaining that i never got what she ment by when she said "u know what i mean"


No problem.



There is the scene where Di and Cher declare to Tai that they are technically virgins. There is also another scene where Di and Tai are talking about having sex under water after she and murray have sex. I think this is the beginning of the transformation of Cher, because she is no longer like the others. I think this is before she realizes she likes Josh, and that is why she is jealous of Tai hanging out with Josh.

However, with the series, I loved the episode where the "real" josh shows up as Sonny. It was kind of sad that they didn't bring him back after he realizes that she is so young. Not that it had the same chemistry as the movie, but still it was one of the better episodes.

