Good question. I just watched these episodes again on DVD.
I think it's just a case of writing themselves into a corner.
Personally, I'm one of those people who get annoyed by unexplained or contradictory loose ends, but there seems to be what might be called "sitcom license"-- the producers/writers come up with something that gets the job done for the moment, and expect viewers will go along.
As Mystery Science Theater 3000 puts it, "It's just a show, I should really just relax..."
This one is more bothersome (if you're the type to be bothered) because it's the basis for a story line that continues over several episodes.
Even the "divorce" angle is weak, because it raises more questions or problems for Mary than it solves.
They could've tried to explain it away as a fake. They used the "phony marriage to save a non-citizen from being deported" in another episode, so I guess that was off the table.
They could've said that she was a mysterious escapee from an insane asylum who Dick humored until her keepers could catch up with her, since Janet acted like such a nut even by 3rd Rock standards.
But for whatever reason, they just waved it off and had Mary somehow get over it.