The Bird cages

Why (in season 2 anyhow) do they have bird cages? Is that a 60's decoration thing? They have one hanging in the living room and one in the kitchen. They aren't even pretty.


Here's my take on the decor of their "apartment". It's an attic space and the landlady has just stuck random things there over the years; things she doesn't want or need like bird cages. They don't get rid of them because they don't know any better.


The one in the living room has a a little man in it. There are lots of "things" stuck around that apartment - a tennis raquet on the wall, what looks like a piece of cloth with keys all over it, just stuff that Mrs. Dubczek stuck up there to liven up the place. The Solomons had no sense of decoration so they just lived with whatever was there.
