My Idea for a Sequel/Sequel Thoughts
I have my thoughts on a sequel even though Top Dog was underrated. I have my thoughts here still posted even though there shouldn't be a Top Dog 2.
Reno has died of old age. There's Reno 2. Jake Wilder is the new sheriff. A band of drug dealers are dealing many different kinds of drugs in the city. The drug ring is lead by man named Christian Mower.
Jake Wilder meets again with Matthew Swanson. There are talks about when Jake Wilder took down his father's killer on his rookie days and Jake becoming the Sheriff. The killer of Lou Swanson is behind bars for the rest of his life.
Sheriff Wilder with his officers battle the drug ring in gun fights and even hand to hand fights.
Jake fights Chris Mower in a martial arts fight. Chris Mower goes to prison.
You fans who like Top Dog could post your sequel thoughts here.