Better than Pulp Fiction?

All i here about this brilliant film is crap like ''It was in the aftermath of Pulp Fiction'' well ikm sick of it. Its a very different story, one that evokes much more emotion and drama. The characters are excellent with an original screenplay to accompany it, coupled with fine performances all round. I think its much better than PF...i dont wanna ask this cos im probably gonna get sum grief, but whatever- anyone else think its better?

Even the most primitive society has an inate respect for the insane


People need to stop comparing it to Pulp Fiction. Its not a ripoff of Pulp Fiction anyway. If you have to compare it to something, its really more a rip off of Reservoir Dogs or any flick where a gang of professional criminals has a mishap and ticks off their boss. Such stories are multitude. Reservoir Dogs was special in that Tarantino split up the story telling (like in a book) and we never actually see the job. The dialog is so good we dont need to see the job itself or how it goes bad.

Denver is inferior to all of them but its still a good movie. It came out with hundred other crime thrillers and so people feel the need to compare it.


not a chance! everything about PF was better...especially Walken

What the $%*& is a Chinese Downhill?!?


I don't even know why the Pulp Fiction comparisons, when this two films have nothing in common other than violence and hit men. That said, Pulp Fiction is one of the greatest films ever made, one that no matter how many times I've seen it, every time I flip the channels and it's on, I can't help but watch it again. Things To Do on the other hand is a film I won't be watching ever again...




Yes, in my opinion this one is better than Pulp Fiction.
I liked the characters better, i liked the dialog better (hell i still use expressions like Boatdrinks and everyone looks at me like im crazy). The ending is completely nuts but great...


Seriously...what is up with the Pulp Fiction/Things To Do In Denver comparisons? I never would've compared these two in my head had others on here had not done so. So, I'm not going to compare it because I may as well compare this movie with every other movie ever made if I'm going to compare it to Pulp Fiction!

I thought this was a really good film. I wouldn't call if Oscar-worthy, or even a film classic; except for maybe "cult" classic status. I love the made up gangster lingo for this movie, though. It's really quotable.

Give it a name!


LOL, really? better than pulp fiction? These 2 movies aren't even in the same league. Not that it's a bad film, I mean it is pretty good but it's nowhere close to as good as pulp fiction


Better than Pulp Fiction? Perhaps in the alternate universe you live in...
There were so many laughable (not in a good way) moments in it, I thought it was a parody. I can't even...


I honestly don't get the Pulp Fiction comparison. Just because it's a movie about gangsters that came out a year after PF? This movie is nothing like PF. It's a borderline thriller IMO wondering if anyone of them will make it by the end. Whereas PF is just entertaining, this one keeps you on the edge of your seat all the way through. They are very different types of movies even though they both fall in the crime genre.
