Non-Entertaining Waste Of Time
The Good: Most obviously, the actress is hot. The scene where she rips out the other woman's spine is cool. Giger's designs are fantastic, regardless of how briefly they're utilized.
The Bad: Everything else. How did this movie receive an R rating? I think it's the most tame R rated movie I've ever seen, in the sense that everything feels dumbed down and softened. I can't think of another movie that features 'graphic violence' and 'strong sexual content', yet feels so kid friendly at the same time, like this one.
Giger's always fantastic designs are actually featured less than the horrid CGI, which is pitiful. The nightmare sequences (which utilize Giger's work beautifully) are probably the best scenes in the movie, but they're so brief that they barely matter.
The tone never changes; every scene merges blandly into the next, with not enough gore or nudity to make the experience enjoyable in an exploitative kind of way. Species just sucks. However, I'll definitely watch the sequel in hopes of seeing the lead actress naked again. =P
"Cain and Abel will go to Heaven... if they can make it through Hell!"
-Los Hijos Del Topo