Worst trilogy ever?
This one or the Mimic trilogy?
shareNeither, that would be the Star Wars prequels.
shareSpecies I is too good to make a bad trilogy.
I know that II was weak and III was awful, but I is just too good to make a 'worst trilogy ever'.
Species (1995) was a decent movie (worth seeing), Species II was a let-down and the 3rd should have never been made. Species II could have been good , especially considering a few of the originals stars were in it but the plot & writing really suffered.
sharewhat harms the mimic trilogy was that the other sequels were direct to videos and not theatrical releases, they all had a good story and some decent characters to drive the plot along. I for one liked Mimic 3 better than 2. Quite suspenseful and well paced. Mimic 2 despite some flaws was decent enough to watch if you like cat and mouse chase films. But like I said potential stories, should have been bigger budget movies. Oh and with Guillermo Del Toro helming them