American re-make?

I honestly DO NOT understand why no American film makers has made a re-make of "Sidste time". Though the Danish version is a low budget film with cliché kills, the concept and the story is brilliant! I love the way the film confuses you and plays with your mind. When *I dom't remember her name* said "The school yard is empty and dark", I was seriously about to *beep* in my pants!

This film is disturbing. It really gets to your mind, way beyond the normal slasher films. Right?


Are you Danish? I am.
I thought that "Sidste time" was pretty scary - especially for a Danish movie.
But I just didn't get the ending. Did you?
I thought it was very confusing.


Hi (I'm swedish by the way)! I have a question for you! After I saw Sidste time and Nattvakten (don't know the danish title) I paid more attention to danish horror movies. One time I read about a horror flick in a tv guide I really wanted to see. I never got the chance though, and I don't remember the title. So do you know it maybe? This is the plot (what I remember, it's like 5-10 years ago):
A bunch of people - teens I guess - is in a house and starts to play a weird kind of hide and seek game. They kill each other and stuff, and of course - the house is in the woods somewhere. In swedish the title was something like "Lek i mörkret" (play in the dark).

Maybe it's a longshot, but hey WTF. Thanks...

¤ Taste is like the butt - divided! (old swedish saying) ¤


Nevermind, I just found it... Silly me. It's the same director who did this movie! Well have you seen it? Is it any good?

¤ Taste is like the butt - divided! (old swedish saying) ¤


You're talking about Mørkeleg, right? Or Backstabbed as it is called in English. Its actullay pretty good. One of my friends read the book and told me the movie was so much better. It was just in television in Denmark - you should see it if you liked Sidste Time.


Yeah I was. Well I'm gonna try to find it then. Thanks

¤ Taste is like the butt - divided! (old swedish saying) ¤


You're welcome.


I would love to see a remake of this film, if it was done by someone who wouldn't turn it into a B-grade slasher; if they keep the story, it could be great. It's unfortunate that this movie is a bit cliched and lame, because the book of the same name by Dennis Jürgensen, who also wrote the script, is brilliant. It's pretty much the same thing, but just a bit better. Jürgensens own vision is more interesting than the actual film, in my opinion. As for confusion of what really happened, and an explanation of the ending, I have a pretty good(in my own opinion, anyway) theory about it; I'll gladly post it here, if anybody wants me to. I'd also love to discuss the movie with other people who liked it too. Oh, and if there are other big fans of Jürgensen here, I'd love to discuss his other books.

If you're too open minded, your brains will fall out.



I saw this movie years ago in finnish tv and liked it a lot then. It was a lot better as a thriller than many of the american ones I have seen. Didn't like the ending so much though. Wish I could see this movie again, just to see if I still would like this movie after almost ten years after first time I saw it.

"Life sucks and then you *beep* die, you know..." -Ozzy Osbourne


Remakes suck. :)

Bimbo Boy
