TINY plot hole...

When Detective Thomas Dagett's personal writings are discovered at the scene of a possible murder, that of Uziel at the hands of Simon, Thomas Dagett is not named as a suspect.



If a Steven King novel was found at the scene of a murder, would you automatically want to investigate him, too?


If Steven King also worked homicide in that neighborhood, I'd wanna talk to him.


The man's name is Stephen King, not Steven....take it from someone who has seen most most movies based on his novels, short stories and novellas...but also has 4 or 5 of his books...in fact, considering they are on a shelf in the same room as this laptop....I am looking right at them.......right now.

But the point is, if someone is killed and they had a copy of Christine, would you consider King a suspect because he wrote the book?


So the murder suspect left behind his own book?

Straightedge means I'm better than you.


