I've been so confused for so long after i've seen this movie about a couple of months ago. Could someone please give me a good explanation why he helps out in the end? I Know Gabriel is supposed to be like a rebellious angel and all that but if Gabriel wins wouldn't that help Lucifer out. Wouldn't that be Satan's benefit. See if friggin confused. Somebody help me out on this.
Well, if you've seen a couple other movies that involve Satan (like Constantine), you'll understand that these guys wants to be Alpha Dog and the *only* alpha dog of Hell. They don't want anybody else pushing on to their "territory" as it were. In Constantine, Lucifer prevents his son from being summoned so that he can't make a hell on earth, which Lucifer wants for himself. It is pretty much the same thing in this movie. If Gabriel succeeds in winning this war, a second Hell will be unleashed and, as Satan explains, two Hells is one too many, and everything involving evil and greed belongs to him and no one else.
Sure, people suffering, sinning and chaos erupting all around is what every Satan in every movie wants, but since they're also greedy evil guys, they only want it to happen by their own hands. If humanity suffers because of someone else other than Satan, it's just plain pointless.
What spellbinder said was right on imho. There is also that they dont hate god. They love him. Even Satan is a rebellious child. He loves/hates his father. He was rebelling against being nothing more than a servant. Now Gabriel is usurping his role. Not only that if he is successful (see the other two movies) Satan will be nothing but a forgotten being destined to spend an eternity in hell alone.
Humans-- and how I love you talking monkeys for this-- know more about war and treachery of the spirit than any angel.
Gabriel is well aware of this and has found a way to steal the blackest soul on Earth to fight for him.
If he wins, Heaven opens.
But I know that this new Heaven will be just another Hell.
You see, I'm not here to help you, you little bitch, because I love you or because I care for you, but because two Hells is one Hell too many... and I can't have that.
Or something close to that. Going from memory, here.
i would liken lucifer in this movie as kind of an antihero. he's definately not the good guy, but he's also not the bad guy here in relationship to Gabriel.
Lucifer has an agenda in assisting them in undermining Gabriel. your text pasted explains it well. also to point out that once the threat of Gabriel is elimated, the first thing Lucifer tries to do is tempt and coax them into joining him
i've lost the origin of this thought rattling around in my head, but i recall it said once in a film or book that the devil isnt all evil, he just had a bad publicist.
to put into a business proposal context - god was the president of the company, lucifer was the vice president that wanted to be president. in the attempted hostile takeover, he was defeated and fired from the company. so lucifer started his own company, competing directy with god. the product - our faith. his new office building - hell.
if it wasn't for my horse, i wouldn't have spent that year in college
I was thinking the same thing. Who was worse in this movie? In life, we're always lead to believe that there is no being worse than satan, lucifer, beelzebub, belial, the fallen angel, the desolate one, the ruler of the wicked, etc. In this movie, we're lead to believe that Gabriel hates humans worse than the devil does. That's a pretty profound thought. The devil helped prevent the war in Heaven's stalemate to be over, and the ultimate slaughter of God's angels to happen. Of course he had selfish reasons, and one quality of evil that we know of is selfishness. So, surprisingly, we see that with the help of the devil, Gabriel was sent to hell, and the war was ended. Of course later, in the sequel, we see Gabriel come back to Earth to continue his war against the monkeys (humans).
I have yet to see the last two sequels to this movie, but after reading something about it on wikipedia, we see satan helping the lead character, "Allison" in the movie, "Prophecy 4: Uprising". Also, in the movie after that, "Prophecy 5: Forsaken", it says that satan also helps the same character, Allison. SO, to answer your question, it seems that YES, the devil does play a "good guy" in the original, as well as the last two sequels. He's doing it for selfish reasons, of course, because like Mortensen's devil in the first movie says, "heaven would turn into another hell, and that is one hell too many."
Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of Christianity (protestant, catholic, orthodox) knows: - Demons are fallen angels - Hell is a state, not a place - Even Satan and his demons are required to perform God's will, to their endless frustration. - Since Gabriel is of lower hierarchy than Satan (Satan is the most powerful creature in creation), without God's intervention he's simply overpowered by Satan.
So long story short: - Whatever Gabriel is trying to accomplish, Satan would love to mess with it out of sheer spite, even if it means helping the good guys.
That's it. No different than a bear saving you from a lion, but for HIMSELF (if he had been allowed to do them harm at that point, which he hadn't, only reason why Thomas and the others get to survive it).
Gabriel is a Seraph, one of the seven who surround God's throne, and one of the four who sit by his side: Michael to his right, Gabriel to his left, Uriel in front and Raphael behind. Lucifer (not actually a name for the devil BTW, just a Greek translation from Isaiah 14:12, which talks about the king of Babylon) is a Cherub. Gabriel outranks "Lucifer", but the latter was a pompous douche who figured he was better for the job than God.
Granted, i'm a Jew and not a Christian, but in a way it means my sources are better :)
Why wouldn't Satan save mankind? Reminds me of an old cartoon where it shows heaven's population sign as a fixed relatively low number and hell's population sign as a speeding odometer.
And no, the devil is not the good guy. After everything goes according to plan he shows is true face. I get goosebumbs when Viggo Mortensen rubs his hands together saying "I love you more than Jesus himself"
It's in the beginning when he shows his true face. "God is love, I don't love you" spells it out quite clearly.
It's at the end when he tries to deceive them that he lies saying he loves them more than Jesus. Of course for cinematic purposes when/how he says it looks nothing like love.
It's kind of like the old Transformers Cartoon. Starscream always wanted to overthrow Megatron but it would have only made him leader Megatron's decepticons.