That's a good observation. The way I always looked at it was that when Simon was in the fight with Uziel and gets stabbed in the heart it then shows Uziel clawing at Simons chest, trying to rip out his heart since that's the only way for an angel to die on Earth. I figured that the knife in the heart and the clawing away at it damaged it pretty good and it was taking awhile to heal. I don't think that Gabriel was ever hurt in the heart and that's why he was able to heal from the gunshot wounds to the chest and stomach, the explosion at the trailer and being thrown out of the car when Rachel was driving. I think the tire iron at the end was stunning him but if Lucifer hadn't shown up, he probably would have gotten up eventually and killed everyone.
But I guess in the end it's completely open to interpretation. I definitely could see them just taking the view that Gabriel was an archangel so he should be extremely powerful and able to withstand things that other angels could not.