How much horror?

I was wondering how much of a horror movie this is? I've seen the comments aren't so good, but I'd still like to see it for myself. Except, well, I'm not a big fan of horrormovies...
So, how horrific is this one?
Thx, Wendy


To be honest I wouldn't even classify this as a horror movie at all. Yes, there are a couple scenes that are a little gory, but it's nothing that would make you turn your head from the screen. It is a terrific movie with a very interesting story and you should definitely watch it at least once.


It's not a horror film at all. It's more of a suspense film or thriller. There is very little blood or gore, no more than your typical crime or suspense film. It is a good movie with a very unique and interesting concept, and it has a lot of good actors and performances in it as well. I would definitely say give it a chance. And also probably stay away from all the lame sequels.


What really scares you is not the gore but what they talk about.


What movie were you people watching? You cannot call this one anything but horror. It is filled with supernatural characters -- angels with superhuman powers, American Indians with magical spells and charms, and Satan himself with one of his minions from Hell -- and the plot depends on supernatural events, most of them incredibly violent. These include transferring a soul from a dead body to a living one, attempting to tear that living body apart to steal the hidden soul, and sustaining people at the moment of death in order to enslave them. Various characters also burn one another alive, stick their thumbs in an opponent's eye sockets (which are already empty), impale each other on stakes, rip beating hearts from chests and eat them, and come back to life after appearing to have died from some extreme trauma like being shot several times, ejected through a car windshield, or burnt to a crisp. Casino Royale is a thriller. This is horror.


I disagree completely. When I think of horror films I think of films like Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday 13th, Scream, Saw, etc. Those films are made to be bloody, scary and down right gory. I really don't think The Prophecy falls into this same category. There's really no one part that is so bloody or disgusting that people have to take their eyes off the screen. There's not really a scene that is so scary that it makes you jump out of your seat. That's the goal of most horror movies. The Prophecy is not like that. It's telling a story about a war between angels in Heaven. This isn't really much different than movies about war on Earth. Those movies have blood and gore, but they aren't considered horror movies.


The amount of blood on screen has nothing to do with the genre of a movie. There are plenty of horror movies (and war movies for that matter) that have very little. For example, The Prohecy has a lot more blood than The Omen, a classic 'A' list horror movie that has recently been remade. Rosemary's Baby would also be considered one of the best horror movies of all time, and it has almost no blood at all. Finally, The Exorcist has some 'shock' scenes for sure, but it is still not particularly gory. These three hugely influential films share the same kind of religious underpinning as The Prophecy, a similar but much less successful horror movie. You are welcome to your ideas on the quality or even the interpretation of any movie, but genre distinctions are not so open to subjective opinion. The movies you mention are all members of a sub-genre of horror known as 'slasher films' (including SAW which is seen as the most recent evolution of the slasher form). 'Halloween' is usually considered to be the first example of this type. Slasher films are by no means the only type of horror, far from it. You've also got mad scientist movies, monster movies, zombie movies, vampire movies, and many, many more. Your description would strip the canon of its most important titles and characters: Frankenstein, Dracula, The Wolfman, Godzilla, Alien, etc., and it would exclude recent examples like The Blair Witch Project, Cloverfield, Final Destination, and so on.


rb43td,If your only idea of horror doesn't expand beyond slasher films then you really need to watch more films

Spot on tehck, a horror film doesn't have to have blood and gore to be classed as a horror film. There are countless number of genres under the horror tag to simply limit it to Slashers



It's all about opinion. When I think of horror flicks, The Prophecy doesn't come to mind to me. I guess it's one's own definition of horror that matters. And btw, I've watched plenty of the movies Tehck threw out there and I agree with some and others I don't. Again it's all about opinion. Neither yours nor mine is any better than the other. Peace.


I think the kind of movie you are referring to is more like Blair Witch project..... no gore but terrifying.

This isn't gory, but it's really just not scary. The devil might be scary to christians.... but not to everyone


Supernatural aspects have absolutely nothing to do with whether a film is a horror film or not. Yes many horror films rely on supernatural aspects for their stories, but that isn't what makes them horror films. Quite simply A horror film is supposed to be scary. The Prophecy isn't supposed to be "scary" it's supposed to be suspenseful. Suspense is not the same as fear. There aren't any moments of the film where the audience is supposed to feel genuine fear, just moments where they are supposed to be on the edge of their seats wondering what will happen.


Yes, but the suspense (Or lack thereof) is combined with the horror elements. It's meant to be both a horror and a suspense. And we all should know that suspense isn't a genre it's a device used in films. Thriller is the appropriate tag along with Horror, Mystery, and Fantasy.

By the way this film has many sequences that thrive on fear and if you can't notice them it's sad.

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Member of the Addison Army.


If I may add something, the "horror movie" is ususally the movie meant to instill fear or terror in the recipient and uses many specific cues other than graphic representations of "scary things". In this sense, "The Prophecy" isn't a horror movie. It's more like a typical crime movie but instead of thieves and bag of money we have angels and a stolen soul. The emotions permeating the plot are confusion and determination, not fear.

There are many lighter notes as even "evil" characters try to achieve their goals in "as civilized manner as possible" and often show (quite wicked) sense of humour. Yes, there are few gory scenes but they are done skillfully, and it is clearly seen that the were meant to add some "apocalyptic" feeling, not to shock the viewer. It is hard to say it is pure horror. Like in the case of, say, "Vidocq", it is a mystery story with a little horroresque bent.

Of course, the movie may still be disturbing for people who take religion very seriously as it is nothing short of a heresy.


The film is primarily a dark fantasy with horror and thriller elements added into the mix.


It's more of a supernatural thriller than a horror. Nothing in it is overly graphic. It is also a very good film. Enjoy!

"Hey! Ladies! That was fun!"


Sounds Good.


No, I would say it is a horror film, but you can totally enjoy it if you're not into horror.
I don't mean to impose, but I am the Ocean.


For the love of God gore does not make a horror movie!!!!!!

There is nothing frightening at all about watching blood splatter on your TV screen. That's just what they call torture porn, it's a splatter film.

Horror movies are supposed to frighten people & a gorno doesn't make the cut. Horror movies are supposed to be psychology unnerving, they are supposed to pull at the strings of your ideals & what you think is right & safe in the world.

The Exorcist was truly frightening because you saw the devil deform & abuse a pure, innocent, little girl. You saw true evil strike at what most of us think of as the only truly good thing in this world; childhood innocence.

The Prophecy tries to pull at those same strings, albeit with less success. It takes what people hold as pure & good & corrupts it in an evil & in this case sometimes intentionally comical way.

It does what horror movies are supposed to do, play with your psyche until you're unnerved. Therefore it succeeds as a horror movie.

In this case it succeeds where Hostel, The Human Centipede, & Saw have all failed. Splatter films like that don't even try to frighten people through their minds but only attempt to disgust them.

If you're looking for a horror movie like that, watch Saving Private Ryan, it's got the gore you're looking for & has the benefit of a plot. And, if you let yourself think for a moment, the Normandy scene alone was one of the goriest & truly horrifically frightening things on earth.
