Perhaps a reboot?

Okay before you all KILL me, let me say my bit.

I thought the ideas in this film and some of the lines/speeches were AMAZING. It was a really fresh and original take on the whole "war in heaven" idea. Gabriel was cool, Simon was...ok, and Lucifer was FU<KING GREAT. The storyline of the evil soul being stored in the little girl was very neat as well, I liked her lapses into his personality. Creepy.

That said, this movie has a serious case of the mid 90's. Bad music, bad pacing, mostly bad acting, rough plot points, a do-nothing female lead, wonky FX, and clear lack of procedural knowledge with both the police and medical characters.

Now, if (and that's a very big if) they can find the right screenwriter and director, this could be an epic film to reboot. There are easily enough unexplored ideas and themes here to take an reboot in some directions that this version did not go.



No. Not everything needs to be rebooted. I like it just fine and feel no need to see what some contemporary director has in mind.

Straightedge means I'm better than you.


A reboot would be stupid. The movie was great. All the actors and actresses did great jobs, especially Christopher Walken and Viggo Mortensen. NOT every friggin movie has to be rebooted.

Satan is my Lord and Master.


There's absolutely no way CGI, a bigger budget or a different cast could improve on this film. Lord knows that hasn't stopped them from making a million reboots.


The acting was great. Elias Koteas, like always, nailed his role. Walken is consistently entertaining & a pleasure to watch, & even Eric Stoltz took a moment to stop playing Eric Stoltz & actually act.

All you're going to get from a reboot is less plot, more gore, & horrible dialogue.


I am not particularly fond of the idea of a reboot of this movie or the Prophecy series. The Prophecy 4 and 5 were garbage and I think they should let it go but I wouldn't be surprised if one eventually happens since Hollywood likes to remake everything these days instead of coming up with original ideas. 


I like the movie the way it was. I dont know why most of the critics didnt like it. Sometimes it seems to become fashionable to dislike a movie, and I think that is what happened here.

You have a point about the movie showing its age. But this also applied to Total Recall, which was ruined (IMHO) in the remake which overemphasized the cool special effects even though it had better acting.
