MovieChat Forums > Outbreak (1995) Discussion > Why do people hate this movie?

Why do people hate this movie?

I understand that there are a lot of questionable plot holes like making a serum in an hour, etc. But it is a movie... you have to have a begining, a middle and an end so you have to suspend disbelief in a few areas. But this is a very enjoyable film. It's what I like to see when I go to the movies. Escapism, excitement, great cast! If you try, you can pick apart every movie. You know how many plot holes there are in movies like "Terminator 2"? This movie is far better than the 6.4 it is rated. And it doesn't deserve all the nitpicking about science. It's a movie. And a good exciting and rewarding conclusion. I watch this about every 2 years and I thoroughly enjoy it every time.

"I think that boy's cheese slid off his cracker" The Green Mile


Some like their movies handed to them like a documentary.
Some like their movies to be entertaining.
Some like to troll for attention by movie bashing.
And finally, some movies are just bad.

For accuracy, this movie blows; for entertainment, I've enjoyed it several times.


Personally, I find it a little cheesy & melodramatic. Lots of cliched lines & plot devices, the swelling strings, etc. But it's still a cheesy movie that I like!

It still cracks me up that out of the entire cast of Friends, the first one to get a successful movie deal was the monkey. ;p


I kinda think it's boring and I really have never liked any movie Dustin Hoffman has been in so that might be part of it.


You didn't luke tootsie?


Meant like


I just watched it for the first time and I thought it was pretty good and kept me engaged throughout. The only element I did not like was the way Dustin and Cuba stole the helicopter and miraculously avoided capture at every turn as the traveled all over doing what they needed to do. I don't know, it just all seemed to be thrown in for the sake of making the film have a few action scenes, culminating in the pointless helicopter chase. I don't think a film like this needs action scenes.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?



You can't create a cure by finding the animal that's a carrier for the epidemic. Really dumb.

I'll just give you the main points:
"Passive immunity is the transfer of active humoral immunity in the form of readymade antibodies, from one individual to another. Passive immunity can occur naturally, when maternal antibodies are transferred to the fetus through the placenta, and can also be induced artificially, when high levels of human (or horse) antibodies specific for a pathogen or toxin are transferred to non-immune individuals."
"It is also used in the treatment of several types of acute infection, and to treat poisoning "

And they mentioned several times that they thought the carrier was immune and carried antibodies that they could use.

So it was not "really dumb" in principle. It was completely unrealistic that they could extract enough antibodies from that small monkey to treat so many people but in general principle, what they showed works. It is not used often for infections but almost all anti-toxins work that way.

I think humanity should be wiped out and then we can give evolution a second chance.


I thought the cast was good...but my reason for viewing this film - three times - comes from me being a longtime disaster movie fan: OUTBREAK is a modern day SWARM (1978) to me!


They had a synthesized cure for the original strain. They just needed a sample of the antibodies, and then they used the cure they already had as a road map, and synthesized the new cure for the new strain.

For *movie* biology, they did fine.


After all these years, OutBreak is still one of the more entertaining doomsday / virus movies. Yes it had plot holes that requires suspension of disbelief (most Hollywood movies do) but it is also entertaining. I would rather re-watch OutBreak than re-watch one of the plodding docudrama style film such as Contagion, that seems to be all the "rage" today.

