*beep* on the first date
what a slut. didn't feel like watching her screwed (haha pun) after that.
sharewhat a slut. didn't feel like watching her screwed (haha pun) after that.
The OP's just an idiot troll. Why is a woman a "slut" just for merely having sex and enjoying it, yet a man can be the biggest whore around, and that s*** supposed to be okay? Screw that dumb, antiquated sexist bull****.
shareThe OP is vile human being. Looking at his history, he also started an entire thread called "Jeanie is a whore that doesn't act like a slut” (*). I guess he’s going to spend a stunted and bitter little life.
(*) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1797404/board/nest/234324068?d=234324068#2 34324068
The first time you get laid your outlook will change.
Just wait till you're an adult...
Say in 30 years of so.
"I don't usually do this...." :) :)