TS in his front of his name stands for what....
Jeremy London/TS Quint..... did they say what the TS stood for what TS in his name stand for ... "tough s**t"
thanks much for your efforts on my behalf
stay safe
Jeremy London/TS Quint..... did they say what the TS stood for what TS in his name stand for ... "tough s**t"
thanks much for your efforts on my behalf
stay safe
I thought it stood for Taylor Shawn or Tyler Shawn,what does T.S.
really stand for?
he first name of Brodie is the last name of Roy Scheider's Sheriff character in "Jaws".
The last name of Bruce is the nickname of the animatronic Shark in "Jaws".
The last name of Quint is the last name of Robert Shaw's character in "Jaws".
So, the first initials of TS stand for "The Shark".
Didn't you get the whole "When the Shark pops out of the water" thing?
And watch the original "Jaws" (1975) sometime. It really is a great film.
The shark? Wow! Good to know!