
Wouldn't she kind of get into a *beep* of legal trouble for entraping all the men she sleeps with illegally?

I mean, look at the crap in CALIFORNICATION with Hank being manipulated into sleeping with an underage girl.

If she has signed contracts saying they agree to sleep with her for research purposes and she lies about her age... is that not kind of evil on her part? I mean she is taking what are probably decent men and lying about her age in order to have sex with them.

How is that not immoral and completely illegal on her part? Why is she not in Juvi and her book even ALLOWED to be published?

I mean she would have to testify again Baffleck in court, which means she would have to admit she was underage at the time and that she also lied about her age.

Why is this issue not even touched that she is just as bad as the men she sleeps with?

Flynn 24


because its mallrats..... not the pelican brief


Why are you so concerned with this enough to start a thread AND threadjack someone else's thread with this garbage?

Get off your fundamental high horse and accept that this is a fictional piece of work.

(rolls up magazine, sticks it on ttrek-1's ear...)
(dramatic pause)

Para tiempo means nada nunca.


In the eyes of the law, the responsibility for statutory rape rests solely with the adult, simply because they are the adult.

The wild, cruel animal is not behind the bars of a cage. He is in front of it.


All the males who slept with her signed the consent form, which obviously stated her age.
Since she is technically the statutory rapee, legally she is off the hook & the overage men she slept with knew the risk. They had a choice. Most likely, the publishing company made a deal with authorities, too. The only reason Shannon got arrested is because he was set up, and he is lying to the cops when he claims he thought she was over 18.
Besides, what does it really matter? It was a side story only created as a device for Brodie to win back Rene & screw over Shannon.


Was this just an excuse to type "Baffleck"


In the movie we only got to see what happened on the day, with the exception of the brief moments at the end.

My guess is that Tricia would have had the publishers lawyers behind her and therefore have gotten away with it. The ensuing scandal would only have fuelled sales of her book, hence "72 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list". She might not have even had to testify in person.

No doubt most of the men involved would have gotten away with it as well, given that she almost certainly lied about her age to sleep with most of them. The police would have subpoenaed copies of the videotapes and consent forms as part of their investigation, and probably decided against prosecuting most of them based on this and any other circumstances (if she met any of the men in a bar, for example).

Shannon Hamilton would have been the exception, because the content of the videotape effectively gave away that he already knew she was underage.

And yes, I think she was kind of evil, but Rule of Funny applies here.
