no black people?
I am so sorry to do this, I really hate it when people make threads like this, and spoil the fun of the movie for me.
I #$%&$%^&!?#$?#! love Mallrats, and I worked in a similar setting back in the 90's... it wasn't a shopping mall, technically, but it was pretty close. Hey, I just remembered, I actually did work in a shopping mall for a brief period in the 90's, at another time than the time I was just thinking of... So anyway, I like this movie a lot, and I don't think race should particularly matter when thinking about it.
But, I'm just saying, I never even thought of this before, but are there any black people in this movie? I know, it's supposed to be a pretty typical mall, in suburban, mostly white, America, in the 90's.
Again, I LOVE THIS MOVIE, and I seriously don't mean this as a criticism. It's just supposed to be a movie about a couple of guys in their early 20s, or possibly 19 years old at the youngest, having girlfriend troubles. Who cares what color they are. But, I just thought, if they made this movie today, they would probably make a few of the characters black, just for the sake of diversity. Interesting.
Increase the voltage.
But what if he's innocent?
No one is innocent. Proceed.