MovieChat Forums > Living in Oblivion (1995) Discussion > What the hell does 'hostess twinky mothe...

What the hell does 'hostess twinky mother f**ker ' mean?

thats what nick calls chad in the film and i wanna know what it means. (I'm english so I'm sorry if its obvious to you americans.)


I can't answer your question, but I do have one of my own - how disgusting is the woman's mass of armpit hair?


Earlier in the film, Chad Palamino says that he isn't into all that "Hostess twinky" bulls**t (meaning HOLLYWOOD). He's working on an indie movie trying to get some credibility.

So I think Steve Buscemi's Indie director character was calling him that to piss him off!

I'm English, too. "Hostess Twinky" has become a favourite syaing of mine.


Hostess is a snake and bread company that is located throughout the States. A Twinkie is a mass produced cream filled snack that is rumored to have an immense shelf-life.


Refering to a statement made earlier in the film by the character Chad Palamino (incidentaly based on the ego of Brad Pitt from "Johnny Suede" this director Tom Dicillo's 1st & previous film staring Pitt). (I am a NYC film crew member and know many people who worked on both of these films who provided the info and confirmed this rumor/fact). Anyway, all qualifications aside the twinky analogy is reflecting hollywood's cheap plotted, sugar-coated fluffy film's with mass produced & over used stories where little more than changes in names are all that differ from one movie to the next. Quite an fitting application of the phrase. Bravo to Tom Dicillo this film is so perfectly acurate to the lowest eschilon of NYC low-budget film making it made coke shoot out of my nose. I have never ever heard a crew member in this city say it wasn't right on the money. I visit this film anually. It is perfection and a time capsule. I wish there was an audience for these self reflecting movies. If you do a search for the film industry mocking it's self it is one story type that every level of the industry really does well. Some are better than others but none are bad. This one is the top's!


Tom Dicillo has said time and time again (both in interviews and his book) that Chad Palomino is not at all based on Brad Pitt. Look at it like this: Chad is supposed to be a big-time Hollywood actor with a big-time ego. Although Brad Pitt may have a big-time ego now (I really don't know since I've obviously never met him), he had no reason to have a big ego at the time. Jesus, he hadn't even been in Thelma and Louise, yet.

"Hey, hey, MPAA! How many movies did you sensor today?"


As I have already said I know to MANY people who are close to the film who say it's common knowledge. We all know people who have ego's with little or no reason, maybe there was lots of buzz about him in L.A. or something. Thelma and Louise came out the same year as Johnny Suede so he could have just completed, got the part or the film was possibly recently released, who knows. As far as Tom Dicillo's interviews and book maybe he is simply to much of a gentleman to bad mouth one of his actors publicly. I also have no reason to embelish or continue a rumor.


In the commentary track for the dvd release of the film he specifically states that that character is in direct reference to someone he has worked with, but refused to say who, so it may not be Brad Pitt, but it was someone he had worked with prior to making this movie.



twinkie would be poof in britspeak


If Chad Palamino's character was based on Brad Pitt, I don't think Tom DiCillo is going to publicly admit it. If you want to believe it's based on Brad Pitt, look only to the fact that Mr. DiCillo wrote the script for "Living in Oblivion" and had directed only one feature film before: "Johnny Suede," starring Brad Pitt. Interestingly, both films also feature a male little person in a dream sequence, so maybe one would want to find out if the director had a "falling out" with the little person featured in "Johnny Suede."

If you don't want to believe it, look to the fact that Mr. DiCillo had worked on several feature films as a cinematographer before directing "Living in Oblivion," so he had had experiences with several leading men.

Mr. DiCillo discusses his experiences directing "Johnny Suede" in a book entitled, "My First Movie: Twenty Celebrated Directors Talk About Their First Film" by Stephen Lowenstein. I read through it quickly once at a bookstore. In it, Mr. DiCillo says he was unsatisfied with Brad Pitt's interpretation of the role of "Johnny Suede," but then Mr. DiCillo takes full responsibility for not directing Brad Pitt's performance differently. So, apparently it was not all sweetness and light between Tom DiCillo and Brad Pitt.

P.S. Brad Pitt was cast in "Living in Oblivion" after his breakthrough in "Thelma and Louise."


Actually, "twinky" in the UK would be a sponge finger cream-cake.



He is basically saying that Chad is all poof and sugar but no real substance.


