what was it about ms. minchin
how come she was sad and idk there was something about her? like how she when she took the locket away the last time and she looked like she was gonna cry? why did she do that?
sharehow come she was sad and idk there was something about her? like how she when she took the locket away the last time and she looked like she was gonna cry? why did she do that?
shareI think she had a tough childhood where she was not treated very nicely or she didn't have a good realationship with her parents.
shareWhen sarah says 'were all princesses. Didnt your father ever tell you that? didnt he?' or something like that, Ms minchin looks away because her father clearly didnt. perhaps in those times he was quite strict and she had a very different upbringing to sarah, who lived in india and she was free to do what she liked as her father also had quite a lot of money. Thats probably why she was so upset. At least thats the conclusion i came to.
Give hugs not drugs
And Miss Minchin was always worried about money so that also explains why she wasn't treated like a princess.So your right xEbOnYKiSsEsx ;)
Mr.Barrow:There will be no check
Miss Minchin:Excuse me !
Exactly ;-).
shareMs.Minchin is such a complicated character. The actress did a great job portraying the true depth of the character. There are certain poignant moments in the film when Ms.Minchin truly seems to care about sara, of course then her calloused side pervales. I think she is at heart a good person who is a product of her childhood and environment.
shareSorry but I have to disagree that Miss (there were no Ms's in 1914) Minchin ever showed any sympathy towards Sara. Not when she gave her the news about her father or any time after. I think she did exhibit pangs possibly about her own harsh childhood and a father who didn't think she was "a little princess" but she showed no empathy towards Sara.
What I think is really cool about her is the actress Eleanor Bron was the heroine in the Beatles' Help! and is also said to be the inspiration for Eleanor Rigby.
Or we could go the HP route and maybe Sara's mom and her were schoolmates and Miss Minchin hated her for having a great life perhaps?
Ms Minchin clearly wasn't raised like a spoiled little princess with all of Sara's privileges. It's a shame Sara, for all her supposed integrity and kindness, couldn't see that and perhaps demonstrate a little more sympathy to a woman who wasn't born with a silver spoon like she and many of the other children at the school were.
Then again, the whole point of being a 'princess' is living in a palace and having no clue about the worse off ones in society.