why did they have Hara Krishna stories in the film
First i want to say the only reason that i like this movie is beautiful sceanery in this movie and loctions and that is it i first saw in 1995 when it came out and i saw it at the movie cimma when my mother . i had read the book 4 times before and i was hoping they would make it so much like the book as they did not .
i did not know at the time that the stories that sara was telling where from the Hara Krishna relgion until now since i have done research on other relgions just to know what was out there even though i am a born again Chrristian and always will be .
i want to say that i have nothing agentst Hara Krishna and i am not trying to bash it by asking the question why they decided to have those stories though out the movie .
Are there other people out there who noticed this when they watched the movie ?