the perfect way to die..

If I ever wanted to kill myself, this would be the way to do it... Drink up till you pass out every day and your liver gives out.. Being in Vegas is a bonus because its a non stop party town with alcohol being sold 24/7...

And if I went broke I would start robbing houses to be able to afford my booze and gambling ways.. Good times :)



Oh looks like a perfectly lovely way to die


If I ever wanted to kill myself, this would be the way to do it... Drink up till you pass out every day and your liver gives out.

Obviously you haven't drank much. It's a horrible, painful way to die. I watched my manic-depressive cousin intentionally kill himself with alcohol. Unless you OD and put yourself in an alcohol induced coma all at one time, and don't wake up. Yeah, sure, you can go out like a rockstar. And even then, you would probably have to help it with some pills. It's not easy fatally ODing on booze alone.

My cousin went out like Nic Cage. It took a solid year and a half of daily oblivion to finally put him into fatal pulmonary arrest. It ain't pretty, and certainly ain't glorious. First your liver starts failing and you look like a Jaundice, sickly AIDS patient. Then the kidneys go, and they have to rush you to ER every other day for dialysis. Then your heart and lungs start acting up. You collect water in your balls and feet. Excruciating pain that makes you cry like a baby because your testicles are the size of grapefruits. Then the fluids have no place to go, so you start getting open sores ALL over your body that don't bleed. They ooze water and yellow crap.

Yep, It's not a good way to do it. And seeing it first hand, I don't think the movie depicted it accurately.
Any doctors or nurses want to back me up on this one?


The movie glamourizes it somewhat; the death scene is not accurate.

What happens is that after several days/weeks of boozing yourself to oblivion, you vomit it all up again, causing several attempts just to keep the booze down. And if you are in a state to stagger to a liquor store, they probably won't sell it to people in that condition. Seriously, they look like ghosts at that point.

If you have a huge supply of booze, and we are speaking of about 100 bottles here or so, then perhaps it can be pulled off, but it will still be hard, because the body keeps rejecting it. Eventually you will start to vomit blood, because of the damage that the alcohol has done.

If you are still able to drink after that, death will ensue, yes, but it will be painful. The heart does not go first, and the internal organs don't give in all at once, but one by one. Liver, kidney, lungs, brain, and finally, heart.

Long story short: You are more likely to end up a vegetable than dead. Once the brain goes, who is going to tell the body to keep drinking in order for the heart to go next?

Hospitals receive patients in this stage, and they literally vomit bucketfulls of blood.

The reason it happens this way is because the body of an alcoholic knows the stuff, and how to deal with it. It breaks it down as efficiently as possible in order to prevent itself from dying. So basically, the body of an alcoholic works against any suicide plans from alcohol.

If you are a teenager, whose body is not that familiar with alcohol, then yes, it is possible to die fast from alcohol poisoning. But alkies with several years of experience cannot poison themselves with alcohol, and hence they have to keep pounding it down, which in return leads to a slow, painful death.

This movie is partially autobiographical. The author, John O'Brien, tried to drink himself to death. But he eventually ended up shooting himself instead - most likely because the process of drinking himself to death proved to difficult.
