Best Dredd?

Probably not... but bad reviews stopped me watching this for 20 years!! And when I saw it, I realised it captures the grim humour and tongue-in-cheek social satire found in classic Dredd comics far better than the latest film. Also it explores the post apocalyptic world of Dredd much more than the tightly-budgeted new film, which takes place entirely in one city apartment block.

OK, it's let down by a fairly lame Hollywood ending. And the comic relief provided by Rob Schneider begins to grate in the third act. But don't you just LOVE that awesome, non-CGI robot?? As Christopher Nolan shows us in Interstellar, practical effects beat CGI nearly every time!

Perhaps the new Dredd movie takes itself too seriously. Classic Dredd, the comic book Dredd, never made that mistake (and for any fans I am not referring to the 90s Dredd which pretty much jumped the shark long before any film came along.)


Point taken.

Dredd showing his face notwithstanding, Stallone DOES capture Dredd a lot better than Urban IMO.

For the record, Greg Staples' performance as Dredd in Judge Minty was slightly better than Stallone's by a small margin and defintely more faithful than Urban's.


Stallone DOES capture Dredd a lot better than Urban IMO.

Not even close.

"I stooped to pick a buttercup. Why people leave buttocks lying around, I've no idea."


I think both Dredds had their moments.🐭

