Claudias Niece

Did anyone else hate that spoiled little bitch?? I wanted to slap her right from the start

I'd rather go hunting with Dick Cheney, than driving with Ted Kennedy


"Watch me do this!!!"...."Isn't it just so perfect, what I did?"....Ugh....If you're bored now and have to go home, then please do so. Her character was so annoying, but so necessary to show the product of two overly-indulgent parents with self-love issues of their own.


Yeah, thats how some kids get messed up.


This is one of those look-that's-my-family sort of films, so whenever my family and I watch it, we try to pick out members of our family who most resemble the characters. My name is Brittany, and I was about the actress who played Brittany's age at the time, so whenever we watch it, my family says that I'm most like her. I hate that because she's awful!!


She is fantastically annoying and a very beleivable character.



Yeah, she was a product of her parents poor child-rearing skills. You could tell they spoiled her rotten. When Claudia told her off, that was probably the closest thing to discipline the girl had ever seen.


Wow, this little actress should be very proud that you all bought the portrayal to the point of wanting to physically strike a fictional character.

Jodie Foster mentions in the commentary how good the young actress was and HOW UNLIKE THE CHARACTER.
As Jon Lovitz's Master Thespian character used to say "ACT-ting!"



That was a great little SNL bit -


"ACT - ting!"



I can't stand her smug face! The scene where they are saying the blessing at dinner and she concludes it with "Ah-woman" makes me want to vomit. I agree with everyone, though, her character was completely necessary.


I thought her character was just toooooo a miniature version of her anally retentive parents. Frankly, I can't believe the sister's family is able to sit without sucking up the furniture.


I don't judge the little girl too harshly, though it's clear that she's on her way to becoming another Joanne. The only time I really want to smack her is when she says after the fight, "Mommy, I have to leave...I'm TOO BORED." If I'd ever said that to my mother at a family dinner, I really would have gotten smacked. Sadly, I guess I'm used to hearing kids I encounter saying much worse things to their parents in public than Brittany ever says in the movie...
her attempt to defend her mother to Claudia in the end was nice, if totally misguided.


Come on! The poor kid was uncomfortable because of all the idiotic adults around her. When she said I'm bored-she really meant I'm embrarassed, and who could blame her?



Ugh! I hated that little brat! I did like her brother though!


Ahh! The brat we LOVE to hate! ;) But really, I think she did a great job as an actress. If she were my niece, I'd throw her down the stairs ^_^

Don't wake me 'cuz I'm dreamin' of angels on the moon...
