I always felt the greatness of this movie, was the realism of it. You have to remember that we only see a small fraction of their lives. I've always felt a bit of sympathy towards Joanne, because despite her bitchyness, I've always figured there is a reason for it. We don't know how she was treated as a child or her adulthood up until this point. We don't know what happened off screen up until this point.
Tommy was my favorite character, but he knew he was stirring the pot. He didn't immediately start attacking them the second they pulled into the driveway to make his nephew laugh, he did it because he knew it would rile up his sister and he knew it would set the tone for the afternoon. To many of us the incident in the driveway wouldn't bother us at all, but he knew it would bother Joanne and her uptight husband, He pushed and pushed until she lost it and hit directly below the belt. Childish of her not to just let it go? Of course. However I don't think many REAL family gatherings have adults that are perfectly behaved.
Joanne is obviously NOT the type of person you joke with, or maybe it's just her family can't.
She's my second to least favorite character (her husband was the first) but I reserve total judgement because i've known families where on the surface, the children that seem to be praised the most by the parents, are praised because the parents feel they have to praise their every move, strictly for their benefit. For example, I know a family where the adult eldest child moved back in with his mother and father to help them pay bills and take care of them. His younger brother is a constant screw up, stealing money from the parents and then lying to them, claiming they just forgot they said he could borrow it. Plus going from job to job and using his father's connections to land a job he might hold two months. Yet, he is the one praised constantly by the parents. "Oh, Jon just landed a great job, he's just doing great", "Oh Jon just got his___ color belt in Karate" (Karate paid for by his parents without their knowledge, as my friend tried to point out to them on their online banking. They refused to believe it though).
So let's say we have a Thanksgiving dinner with this family. Jon comes over, life of the party, eats, drinks, makes his parents and other relatives laugh. His brother, who really does all the work just glares bitterly at him, thinking what a snake he is. Maybe making a negative comment or two because he can't hold it in. HE then looks like the jerk, not the actual jerk.
Of course i'm not saying that Claudia and Tommy are like this, not at all. I'm just saying we see one Thanksgiving meal with this family, we don't really know their history.