We need "degrees" for rape:
Call me an insensitive male chovinist pig if you want but I think rape needs "degrees".
MURDER has them, you can only get the death penalty for FIRST degree murder, not for 2nd degree murder or manslaughter (which is basically a lower degree of murder) and even for manslaughter you have voluntary and involuntary.
For theft you have Grand Theft, petty theft and grand larceny.
Well rape needs degrees too.
A lot of angry feminists and tough of crime zealots make blanket proclamations like calling for the death penalty for rape or automatic life sentences even castration.
But let's be real. A scandal like what happened to Mike Tyson back in 1991 where 2 people have sex and argue about whether or not it is consensual or someone has sex while drunk then claims they were too drunk to give consent just is NOT the same thing as a predatory or violent rape where an attack is obvious. I actually DO approve of the extremely severe punishments listed above for especially heinous rapes, but not all rapes.
That guy who did not pull out fast enough was NOT the same thing as some of the real sickos out there who REALLY DO deserve to have their genitals cut off.
Even in the totally contrived fictional world of this movie all that happened to the "rapist" was the embarrassment of facing a bunch of angry people yelling at him, he never got prosecuted or expelled. Those angry feminists were carrying signs saying DEAD MEN DON'T RAPE which is a roundabout way of saying this guy should have gotten the death penalty.
So does that mean ALL murderers get the death penalty? So you give someone who commits involuntary manslaughter the same death penalty you would give a serial killer?
Is a woman guilty of rape if she is on top and does not get off of the guy as fast as he would want?