It's no problem when John Singleton makes movies about all black men shooting, killing, dope dealing, etc. It isn't until he show whites in a negative light, that everyone comes out to say how racist, unfair and unrealistic it is. Hell, not all black people kill each and get food stamps in the mail as a way of life, but I don't complain if someone makes a movie saying they do, because I'm smart enough to know that a movie is just that...a fiction movie, baring no real facts about all people of one particular race. I've been black for nearly 34 years and have never sold drugs, used drugs, been to jail, been knocked up as a teenager, collected welfare, or anything else the media considers as "black culture." See, I'm used to my people being accused of everything negative. Apparently, white people are not. The funny part is, I see just as many whites on American's Most Wanted, Forensic Files, and other crime shows. Yet, on a IMDB forum, I see a lot of you "pretending" that you don't.