MovieChat Forums > Higher Learning (1995) Discussion > Why so Anti-White and Anti-Male?

Why so Anti-White and Anti-Male?

How come everything in this movie is anti-white and anti-male? I just think that every stereotype was blown way out and the movie had no support for a white guy. And why werent there any other cops that were latino or black? All cops arent white like they were in the movie. And last time i checked a fat guy prolly wouldnt be able to beat up a juicehead on a punch for punch battle.


Okay, here's my response to your questions:

This movie was made in 1995 so whilst the 2007 thinkers find it a bit overdone, at that time, I'm sure it made alot of sense. It's almost like CRASH, but in 1995.

The cops you see are mostly white because at that time, there were MOSTLY white cops. In some states, there still are mostly white cops. At my uni, you hardly see cops of color.

About the fat guy and the juice head. FAT PEOPLE pack pretty solid punches. While the juicehead must have been drunk or something to not land any, there is a possibly of fat guy winning.


Are you kiding me this movie was a joke no matter what year it was made in.


Yup, I couldn't agree with you more BoondocSaint.


No, I saw it in the theatre in 1995 and thought it was overdone then.


Same here. The over the top anti white agenda booming loudly. And to the person who said they had more white cops back then as if it was 1925, please.


Well i watched this movie when it originally came out I agree with the originql poster. It is a racist movie against whites. And that was my frame for thinking way back in 1995. Now as it goes for the fat black guy and the juicer. If all that white guy does is pump iron and never actually gets in a one on one fight the fat guy can easily win if he fights more. Pupmin iron dosn't make you a fighter. To sum up I've always hated this movie . Also this movie is nothing like Crash/ Crash was a very intelligent movie well thought out from both sides of the equation. Not just he narrow mindeness of John Singleton.


What do you mean back then most cops were white? This was made in 1995 not 1955.


wasn't malik's friend a "good" white guy and male?


Yes, but he was such a supplicating, weak douche bag. Which is the only acceptable kind of white males these days I suppose...


Ever been to college? It's pretty anti-white and anti-male.


I'm always confused why so many people struggle to grasp polemic art. John Singleton is not presenting "Higher Learning" as a piece of "truth." He's simply advancing a particular, subjective point of view in order to advance a greater theme.

It's much like kabuki theater where heavy makeup, outrageous clothing and heavily-stylized dance movements are done to illustrate a particular point or story line. Everything is highly dramatized and over-the-top in order to keep the audience entertained and to present a theme.

Anyone over the age of about eleven shouldn't have to be told this, but:

- All white guys from Idaho are not skinheads;
- Women don't immediately become lesbians after one bad sexual experience;
- Frat boys, despite their many flaws, are capable of drinking beer without raping women;
- Black men are capable of interacting with people of another race without thinking that the other person is a racist;
- College professors often hold office hours without smoking a pipe or wearing a coat with padded elbows;

And on..and on...and on.

Singleton is presenting each character as a completely exaggerated character as a shortcut. He doesn't have ten hours to flesh out each character's backstory with motivations and personal histories. The MINUTE you hear Malik calling his professor an Uncle Tom or calling out Michael Rappaport or complaining about institutional racism (even if it's not there), you KNOW who that character is. The minute you see Rappaport's character fail to summon the courage to confront his racist ideology or to at least speak his mind, you KNOW who he is. And the minute you see Buffy and Jennifer Connely staring into one another's eyes, you know who they are and what they're thinking.

Singleton is taking necessary shortcuts in order to advance a larger theme. He's not saying, "This is who white people are and this is who black people are." He's taking something that's often extremely subtle and unspoken and putting arrows and highlighters and closed-captioning and bullet points and asterisks by it so we can talk about it.

It's actually much larger than racism. It's an inability for people to deal with those are unlike themselves. College is the place where (typically) kids come together and are forced to confront people who have different religious beliefs, come from different backgrounds, countries of birth, income levels, varying intelligence levels and often have radically different ideas. While that aspect of college life scares the HELL out of a lot of people, it's a life lesson that a lot of people need to come to grips with. It's part of growing up and dealing with a world that's often hostile to your own needs.

You can scream about how unfair it is that someone gets into college because of their race or their athletic abilities. How will that help you, however, when you apply for a job and have to to compete with people that have an inside advantage (for any number of reasons)?

You can scream about how unfair it is that someone holds up a sign that basically suggests men should be castrated. Yeah, and there are a lot of people in the world who are openly hostile to your very existence. How are you going to deal with them?

Is "Higher Learning" realistic? Not really. No movie is. Are the themes relevant? Absolutely. How you react to the larger theme is up to you.


If you're wondering why people fail to grasp these concepts, there is a clue to be found in the post you responded to...why even bother with someone who says dumb *beep* things like college in general is "anti-white and anti-male." I hate to be so cynical, but this person probably didn't even observe this himself (how could he, it's bullsh*t), but rather read it in some book or heard it from some talk radio blowhard--ACADEMIA IS A FEMINIST LIBERAL REVERSE RACIST HELLHOLE!!! There are NO CONSERVATIVE PROFESSORS, ONLY RAGING LIBERALS GET TENURE!!! It's a CONSPIRACY!!!!

Such subtlety.

Why bother with nuance? Sad, but true.

ps--I love that despite the overall eloquence of your post, you casually referred to the Kristy Swanson character as "Buffy." :)

Good post, well said.

"I guess I started smoking when I was about...four."


Spoken like a true liberal. So smart and intellectual but wrong. As always.

If you don't think colleges are breeding grounds for anti-anything right of Mao or Stalin, you obviously aren't paying much attention.

I could bore you with unlimited google links of complete rubbish being taught at schools, anti-American studies, etc., but I think its important to know why.

Why? Because its staffed with flaky liberals.
Who do they vote for? 96% of them voted for Obama-tell me you're shocked.

Staffed by the same people like these tolerant and compassionate liberals here who cant hide their hatred for anyone that disagrees with them. Liberals that will champion a movie about racism all while seething hatred and spewing bile towards anyone that votes differently from them.

Public dollars should be removed from these colleges that go out of their way to show how bad they hate, 'embrace diversity'.

Pathetic. But you keep telling us how hateful, stupid, inbred, and worthless all the common proles beneath you are. You're probably a 'distinguished Academic' im guessing...


Are conservatives now so desperate to pick post-election fights that they have to rant and rave in response to IMDB posts from over 5 years ago about a film that is now 17 years old? That's downright sad. What sort of anti-liberal post quota are you dealing with, anyway?


Staffed with Flakly liberals?

NO, absolutely not. The difference between a conservative and a liberal is that a conservative looks for a strongman to follow. They want strict order and an authoritarian head and want to preserve a statusquo of "us over them," whomever "them" may be.

Remember how "Un-Patriotic and Un-American" it was to question the president under Bush? Hotlines to call in and report people the questioned the wars?

He was the strong man and the conservatives jumped blindly to an "us over them," frame of thought.

Liberals are more reasoned, they aren't looking for strict order and they reject the concept of a strongman. They want to see the data and make a decision on the facts, not just follow the leader.

That is all higher learning is, teaching people to draw conclusions from raw data. And draw their own conclusions.

Drawing your own conclusions is the counter opposite of calling people "Un-Patriotic and Un-American" for questioning the president.

That's why the American and French Revolutions started in institutes of higher learning, as well as almost every other revolution. It's where people learn to question.

And if you don't like to question authority, everyone that does is going to look extremely far left to you.

"Few people understand the psychology of dealing with a highway traffic cop."


i love this film and i think that this post is excellent. all those knocking it are taking it far too literally. i believe that these events could occur at university although probably not all at the same university.
also in reference the the person who said the film is racist against whites, what about ice cube and busta rhymes? they were made out to be massive *beep*
the film was just showing the extremes or society and culture and the way in which people cope with living within these extremes.



It's no problem when John Singleton makes movies about all black men shooting, killing, dope dealing, etc. It isn't until he show whites in a negative light, that everyone comes out to say how racist, unfair and unrealistic it is. Hell, not all black people kill each and get food stamps in the mail as a way of life, but I don't complain if someone makes a movie saying they do, because I'm smart enough to know that a movie is just that...a fiction movie, baring no real facts about all people of one particular race. I've been black for nearly 34 years and have never sold drugs, used drugs, been to jail, been knocked up as a teenager, collected welfare, or anything else the media considers as "black culture." See, I'm used to my people being accused of everything negative. Apparently, white people are not. The funny part is, I see just as many whites on American's Most Wanted, Forensic Files, and other crime shows. Yet, on a IMDB forum, I see a lot of you "pretending" that you don't.



ima write a while page response about Higher Learning because it was that signifigant of a movie.


To noahdb,

Finally someone who gets it. Thank goodness. I have no further comments.


Exactly! Well said, I agree. That's why I'm positive that caucasian raters were offended with the stereotypes and rated the movie low, not because the movie wasn't entertaining but because they felt like they were misrepresented by John Singleton.


Are you implying that college-aged females, blacks, Jews and Latinos were accurately represented in this film? Ugh!

But I'll give him credit for depicting a fairly accurate assessment of a college campus frat-house rape.

Aye. The haggis is in the fire for sure.



Malik "confronts" Remy by accusing him of what was called "thought crime" in 1984, the Orwell novel.


Very true, so very true.


a) yes
b) WTF???



The college was meant to be a micro-version of America. And whether you accept it or not, the tyoe of people shown in this movie exist.

By any means necessary.


That's true, DA8653. There were pretty significant parts in this film as well. Like the white man who becomes a skinhead(Nazi). His suicide was compared to how Hitler died. I thought about that, too.

Still I didn't think the producers and writers were trying to make this realistic either. It's just many problems that America has come face to face on (Racism, Feminism, Nazi, and Homosexuality) in one college.

If you don't believe homosexuality is in this movie, watch this movie through every minute, especially during the ceremony at the end of the movie.



This movie was full of stereotypes. Not only were all White men blond bullies (except for the token sensitive guy with long brown hair and cheekbones) and all the White women blond and nasty (except for the token lesbian with long brown hair and cheekbones), but the Latino student fell asleep in class, Asian women clung timidly to each other as they went to the laundry and Jewish student acted like bad imitations of Miles Silverberg in Murphy Brown. For all his exhortations to 'Unlearn,' Singleton really dropped the ball with this one, perpetuating more stereotypes than he debunked.



This movie was anti-everyone. There was only one likable person (the female runner)who was the only real voice of reason in the movie. Everyone else was a whiny little dickhead who made me sad for the future.

I'd really like a follow-up to see where these losers are today, 15 years later.

Aye. The haggis is in the fire for sure.


the movie did take it self seriously but hey its a movie....get over it....racism exists in modern day society...i was still getting racial abuse in 2000 so i dont see what the issue is with the movie. at that time in many places things were tense...anti white male??? i dont think so a lot of characters are anti one thing or another.....this topic is a cry out to play being a black male then get back to me


But what was the point that he was trying to make with the film- that racism and sexism exist and that people are violent toward each other because of it? That's not news. That's not even a plot. Where was the moral lesson?

"Unlearn" isn't an answer.

I don't mind the broad brushstrokes if there's something to be said as a result. "American History X" did a great job of it. It showed you how people can get this way and how/why people can get away from it. "Higher Learning" was like a grade school skit without any resolution and no avenue through which to find a resolution.
At the end, they might as well have shown Malik rape and steal that white girl's purse. It wouldn't have changed a damn thing about the film.

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What movie were you watching? I didn't see it as anti white or anti male. It showed students of all raises and economic backgrounds dealing with the challenges of college, being away from home, in a different environment other than their own, and finding out its a rough world out there. They didn't show Ice Cube's character in a good light either. He was such an *beep* to his room mate.

I felt bad for Micheal Rapaport's character. He got no love from anyone, black or white. He was an outsider and ended up with skinheads because he wanted to fit in somewhere.

One thing that bothered me was the whole 'black bitch' indecent. It was so over the top with fudge and his boys busting into the frat party like they're at the OK coral. A little heavy handed.

I believe in Steve Austin and his plan to put a casino on the moon


Because this is political correctness on steroids. This movie LOL funny, because it takes itself so seroiuly. I remember college being a blast, not like a prison. Really one of the worst movies I can remember except for the humor.



I know that race was the focus of this movie but holy *beep* it seems like every movie on IMDB has a topic by some offended white guy who completely goes off topic and starts talking about *beep* that nobody cares about.


Anyone who denies this movie is biased against whites is in denial or stupid.

Lets go down the list of characters shall we?

1. Kristen - sexually confused, inept and stupid (at least when asked anything by Laurence Fishburne's character)

2. Remy and the Nazis - pretty self explanatory. Yeah there are racists on the other side too, but all of them could fight, and were cool. The white guys are just a bunch of pansy, complaining bitches. Even the giant juicer who got knocked around by fat albert.

3. Taryn - muffdiving lesbo converter, pressing her agenda

4. Billy - cowardly racist rapist

5. Wayne (the sensitive white guy) - yea he's an ass kisser, and an unsanitary, dirty slob who can't keep his side of the room clean.

6. All the cops were racist and stupid

Did I forget any other white characters?


I think you're only looking at this from a one perspective. Although I don't consider this movie nearly as good as Boyz N The Hood, I still enjoy watching it and I don't only see the whites in the movie as bad and here's why.

Omar Epps character was incredibly self loathing and self pitying. For most of the movie if not the entire movie, he walks around with a huge chip on his shoulder. He's the type of guy that pulls the race card any time someone goes against him (hence the relationship between him and the professor when the professor gives him a bad grade). Most of the movie he walks around with so much anger instead of dealing with life with a calm head.

Ice Cube's character was a more annoying version of him. He reminded me of the type of douchebag who felt he was wiser than everyone else without really knowing what he was talking about. And honestly, him and Busta Rhymes' character were a bunch of douche rockets.

I also think it's unfair to put Kirsten and Taryn on your list. If anything Kirsten is one of the most sympathetic characters. And why is being sexually confused considered a bad thing to you? I feel like that's something most young people go through and there's nothing wrong with that. And I didn't see her as stupid but maybe extremely introverted but that's just me.

And as far as Taryn, she's the reason Kirsten comes to terms with her rape. Also you can't convert a person to be gay.



Honestly, I agree with your post,but I've always hated that "race card" saying because it's just plain BS, and plus it was thought up by a rich white dude to begin with.
