How would you improve the movie?
Now, I LOVE this movie, no mistake. When others criticize it, I feel sensitive about it and will defend it. Still, I think some parts needed improvement. Now, the major points of the story- The Max/Roxanne subplot, and father & son's bumpy road to bonding- are already perfect and need no improvement. However, what I felt should have been done:
-The resolution of how the Goofs escaped Bigfoot. One minute the beast is sleeping on their car-roof. Next they are at some diner. That needed some explanation.
-A 'Meanwhile, back home...' scene of Roxanne & Stacy, excitingly waiting for the Powerline Concert. The two are gone for more than 50 minutes in the 78 minute film! Perhaps some "Somewhere out there"-type piece between the two lovers from their distant spots.
-The resolution to Pete. His direct hit to Goofy & Max's relationship was so powerful that a better comeuppance was needed than his spit-take. Perhaps have the Goofs heading to Roxanne's house, with Pete's RV in the way. Pete than comes out and angrily criticizes Goofy for still allowing that no-good son his way after all his trickery. Instead of Goofy standing up (he already did that at the hot tub), it's Max who confronts Pete, praising his own dad and telling Pete to mind his own business. Then Goofy supports his son, leading to Pete leaving in a huff.