Cheese fest?

i thought this movie was soo cheesy...esp when at times it was very much overracted! and the brother...Stephan, how corny...and is it me or did it feel like the actors were reading from scripts all the way through?

only person i thought was brilliant is probably the mother...Sada, who i believe is on Desperate Housewives. Beautiful woman :-)


This movie is definitly not a cheese fest, and the acting was amazing, you have to remember that it was probably at the begining of some of the actors careers, esp Kellie Martin, one of my favorite actresses. So my opinion is different, thought I'd share.

Sorry if I sounded rude.


I thought it was really good. I would have liked the part where Stephan and Jodie go to New York, but other than that I thought that it was a very good adaption fo the book and definitley lived up to it. Shame it was only a TV movie.
