what janie found

okay I got REALLY board of the first chaptres and just did not read anymore but I would really like to know what happend can you please tell me what went on?



Janie, Brian, and Reeve go to Colorado to visit Stephen, but Janie has other secret plans. She wants to meet her kidnapper, and deal with the unanswered questions. She writes a note to Hannah, and buys a camera to take a picture of her. Janie never deposits the note. Reeve and Brian come up with a plan; pay Hannah off in full. Janie writes out the check along with a letter telling Hannah this buys her the chance to do something right. Janie writes her father a letter too. That way if he gets well he will find it when he goes to Hannah's file. That, and Janie falls in love with Reeve again.


so did janie see hannah?


no, she never finds her. that's the most aggravating part of the book.



I really want Cooney to write a fifth book. That book should tell us what really happened to Hannah. I want Hannah to at least tell Janie why she kidnapped her. And I want Hannah to face a trial. Does anyone besides me what Cooney to write a book about what life would be like if Janie/Jennie hadn't been kidnapped? Tell me what you think.


that would be really cool. i don't know if i want her to trial or not though.


Janie never found Hannah because Cooney probabley wanted us to sort of think up scenarioos for what could have really happened to Hannah. Actually, I was pretty surfe that she wouldn't actually put Hannha in, but I was still really miffed. I soooooooo wanted there to be some conflict like that. But yeah,. your right, ttly boring. The first two books were way better than the last two.


book lover i agree with u . it would be nice 2 read another book. i think that the last 2 books were awesome. the 1st and 3rd were my favorite


Cooney pissed me off with that crap. Hannah was lucky, she got off so easy.


I've only read the first 3, what is the 4th one called?


"What Janie Found." :)

I agree with everyone here. I thought the book was well-written overall but a total letdown at the end. And...oh my gosh...remember how in The Voice on the Radio SOMEONE called Reeve's show saying she was Hannah? Cooney never even followed up on that. :( Was it really Hannah? And what was it that she "wanted to know"?

I also expected that there would be some confrontation in the fourth book not just with Hannah but with Janie's dad--that he would come out of the coma and explain things better. I thought perhaps there was something behind that whole "Oh they didn't know she wasn't their granddaughter" thing. It seems a little dubious...but then, that's just my impression. Perhaps Frank might have provided a few clues as to what Janie/Jenny was like when she first came to live with them.


"What Janie Found." :)

I agree with everyone here. I thought the book was well-written overall but a total letdown at the end. And...oh my gosh...remember how in The Voice on the Radio SOMEONE called Reeve's show saying she was Hannah? Cooney never even followed up on that. :( Was it really Hannah? And what was it that she "wanted to know"?

I also expected that there would be some confrontation in the fourth book not just with Hannah but with Janie's dad--that he would come out of the coma and explain things better. I thought perhaps there was something behind that whole "Oh they didn't know she wasn't there granddaughter" thing. It seems a little dubious...but then, that's just my impression. Perhaps Frank might have provided a few clues as to what Janie/Jenny was like when she first came to live with them.


In the third book ("The Voice on the Radio") Reeve's sister Lizzie said that Hannah was dead. Is that true??

I didn't like the fourth book. It was kind of boring in my opinion. I didn't like how they spent most of the time planning on finding Hannah, and they end up not finding her!! I hated the ending...


That was what the third book said but the fourth book had Hannah's father sending her money after she was believed dead but doesn't really clear up why.


your prayers are answered. there is a fifth book. it's called Janie Face To Face.

go read it. you won't be able to put it down!


Janie face to face was the worst book ever. That was time ill never get back. It has plot holes and made no sense.
