Song help

I've been looking for the song they listen to when Mark wins the m&m bingo. Starts 'nothing left to sing about this time' and then AJ turns it off.

Seriously I've been looking for this song for about ten years, is it anywhere?


Sorry need to reword it. I know it's Seems by Queen Sarah Saturday but it doesn't exist anywhere to buy/listen to.


It's on youtube. Google "youtube to mp3 converter". Convert to mp3 (takes seconds). Ta da! You have your song :)


I bought a copy of the cd on eBay years ago. It's been out of print for at least a decade. This is far and away the best song on it, though. Anyway, you can find it here, if you haven't already:


I don't know how she did it but a friend from work 15 years ago downloaded it to a CD for me. I love the song.
