Morale of the story?
Just finished viewing this picture, and I'm not sure what to make of it. It starts off really slow, but it picks up pace once they get into Vietnam. Then when he comes back and copes with his post military life, I had mixed feelings about it.
Most of the post war scenes were fairly interesting with a few exceptions, but the ending left me feeling somewhat melancholy. Obviously there is some kind of message here, but I'm trying to figure it out. Anthony sacrifices his life to "serve his country", but what that really means is killing people that never did anything to him as Chris Tucker's character puts it. I found it ironic when the judge at the end pontificates to him about "decency" "dedication" and "honor", when the scenes in Vietnam were anything BUT "decency" "dedication" and "honor". There's some irony when the judge is being played by Martin Sheen who himself acted in a Vietnam War flick, but I digress.
The judge also denigrates Anthony's contributions to his country (and pretty much every single other Vietnam War Vet) by insinuating that the Vietnam War wasn't a "real war". Holy crap, what a low blow, but it was done intentionally. After Anthony receives his sentence, he feels nothing but frustration and anger over what he sacrificed for his country, and the "reward" for his sacrifice was punishment. Someone else pointed out a poignant irony. When Anthony was killing for his country it was alright but when his country turned it's back on him he had to resort to desperate measures in order to survive, but his country then punishes him for doing the same exact thing it was encouraging him to do in Vietnam. Morale of the story? I think it may be subjective, but what I got out of that was, "Don't sacrifice for what you don't believe in".
There's some inevitable comparisons to Deer Hunter, and while Deer Hunter had some better scenes, I think the overall message in Dead Presidents is better. I never got a "message" in Deer Hunter, just simply that war *beep* up people's lives, Dead Presidents makes me feel like there is a message, despite whether or not the message I formulated is what the directors intended.
Few other things that bothered me is that Anthony never got "revenge" against that pimp that manhandled him, if anyone had it coming, it was that POS.
Anyway pretty good picture, there were some boring parts, but I liked it more than Boyz in the Hood and the good outweighed the bad.