MovieChat Forums > Dead Presidents (1995) Discussion > THE Juanita Bensons ARE EVERY GOOD BLACK...


....Really disliked that greedy, selfish, loathing, average looking *beep* lol

I blame Juanita MOSTLY, her bitchy attitude, and her other man, for Anthony going to prison. I'm thinking.... maybe, had it not been for that, he wouldn't have wanted money so bad to take care of his daughter. Unlike most black men, he was trying, even if it was just part-time and he wasn't making enough money. But, it was hard for him to find a good job. Plus for others like himself in the military/veterans fighting a war for their country. This is the thanks our guys get from united states government. Absolutely, NOTHING....

So/To The Juanita's Of The World. I hope your pussies close up!


Well, you gotta look at it from her perspective. She got pregnant right out of high school. The stress of that situation was high. She had to deal with an older dude, one that she was financially dependent on, who was mostly using her for his gain. She's surprised with Anthony's return and had to deal with two men at once. No guy likes to give up a good thing, which is why Cutty kept sticking his nose in. He knew she didn't have a whole lot of money coming in, so she couldn't just completely blow him off, knowing that bills still need to be paid and food on the table. Anthony was not only struggling with a job, but PTSD. The stress of being pregnant AGAIN, while still in between two guys.

Sure, she could've backed off with the complaining, but her stress levels were high, too. Black women in these situations have a lot to deal with. It was a tough dynamic for everyone involved. We as a people must each other better.


Well, I seen the movie. So, I got all of what you're saying...

But, Juanita and Anthony was never married, nor in a serious relationship. She wasn't obligated to get back with Anthony and deal with two men. And, I suppose it was right for her to be with him, so that her daughter can be raised by her own father(instead of a pimp). Anyway, I still feel if she's going to disrespect Anthony with that pimp/hustler(whatever he was...) coming around. Just tell Anthony it's not going to work out and that she wants out of the relationship. I don't sympathize with her: rolling the neck & eyes, lips poking out and telling him "when is he going to get a damn job!" Leave his broke ass alone, then. She shouldn't have beated him down more(with words) than he's already having to deal with in his life. 


Unlike most black men, he was trying, even if it was just part-time and he wasn't making

That's when I stopped reading.

I am the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega
