MovieChat Forums > Crimson Tide (1995) Discussion > Why no shot of Hunter repeating the orde...

Why no shot of Hunter repeating the order?

Why no shot of Hunter repeating the order to terminate the launch? This could have been a great punctuation mark. I understand that it may have ruined the tenor of the scene in the director's mind, but if that were the case I would have at least liked to have seen it in the deleted scenes.


IIRC there WAS a shot of him repeating the order. I'd have to watch again to be sure.

The other answer would be they need two to fire but not to cancel. If one cancels then clearly there are not two to fire... right?

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


There is not a scene of him repeating the order, and he clearly is supposed to repeat it since Ramsey says "Mr. Hunter has the com" after he gives the order.



Well since this movie likes its Star Trek references I'll note that in some quasi-military Hollywood fiction like Star Trek, they will frequently say "take the comm" with "comm" being short for "command."


Ummm... NO.
They don't.

That's not even a Star Trek reference as that was never said in any of the series.
It's just a made up excuse to be right when wrong.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


Well, it may be made up, I'll grant you that. Of course it's a Star Trek reference, they said it all the time, captioning confirmed it. I'll grant you that captioning is frequently wrong, like on Voyager they always captioned the Doctor as "Zimmerman" even though that wasn't his name. And I'd agree that they could be saying "take the conn" and the captioning could say "comm" because captioners don't know the difference. But they'd always switch between saying "take command" and "take the comm." I assumed it was just Star Trek slang.
