Sub phones

This question has always been on my mind when watching, I assume when silent running the phones in the sub are meant to be used instead of the hand mics? The question is do you get to select what station you get to talk to? What's the general name of the phone?


There are multiple different types of communications devices used aboard US warships. The one you see them using most often in this film (used whenever a message is being broadcast to the whole ship like a PA system)... is the 1MC.

There are many different MC circuits. used for a variety of special purposes. Some are two way like a telephone, some are one way only like an announcing systems.
These all require some sort of power.

In case of battle damage, loss of power, or as backups, there is also a "Sound Powered" system.
Some Sound powered phones are mounted and have a traditional like handset. Mostly though... SP phones are portable sets consisting of a headphone, chestplate and strap, with a boom mic with a push to talk switch.

A common SP circuit would be the JL circuit... This is the circuit used by the Bridge and lookouts.

As an EW, We had a SP cicuit (don't remember the designation now, it's been over 20 years ago) that connected from the port and starboard chaff launchers, to the SLQ-32 console in CIC, and the Port and starboard Bridge station Chaff launcher panels, and to our equipment room up on the 05 level.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


I have a question Sailor related to the thread question you may be able to answer.

When the bilge bay is flooded and appears to be about 85% filled with water the sailors in there are still communicating outside with the hand mikes. Do they have some sort of waterproofing that allows them to operate when much of the electrical equipment appeared pretty much underwater?


it has been a while since I have watched the film. but if I remember correctly the men in the bilge bay we're using sound powered phones not electrical.

Also... there is no such real life location as the bilge bay. that's a Hollywood fiction.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


Thanks for your prompt reply.

They were the ones most frequently used in the film. I just assumed they were electrically powered. I did see them using other phones at other times.

I thought they called it the bilge bay in the film. Maybe I was wrong and it was bimage.


it is. damned autocorrect

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!
