I want to sincerely thank you for that insight into the way the extreme leftist mind operates. That is the true fulfillment of the promise of your thread title, although the preferred way to say it is "food for thought".
Sorry, but I don't have dumb sheep mentality to be categorized in one group. I am anti-gun control and Obamacare. So again, cheap tactics and name calling don't work with me (from either side).
As for the rest of your futile attempt on explaining their actions, sorry but you have totally missed the mark. Even though it has been very long time since I watched the movie, I still remember pretty well the reasons behind Hunter's actions. Since he went into
great lenghts to explain to his fellow comrades why he was going against the launch. If they weren't nuclear missiles that insured deaths of millions of American lives in retaliation, he wouldn't have gone so decisively against his Captain. He thought it was their job to make absolutely sure that nuclear missiles have been launched against United States. The ultimatum of "They are fueling their missiles" didn't work cuz they weren't the only US nuclear sub-marine who would have been given orders.
They both even acknowledged their roles:
Capt. Ramsey: You do qualify your remarks. If someone asked me if we should bomb Japan, a simple "Yes." By all means sir, drop that *beep* twice! I don't mean to suggest that you're indecisive, Mr Hunter. Not at all. Just, uh... complicated. 'course, that's the way the Navy wants you. Me, they wanted simple.Hunter: Well, you certainly fooled them, sir.Capt. Ramsey: [chuckles] Be careful there, Mr Hunter. It's all I've got to rely on, being a simple-minded son of a bitch. Rickover gave me my command, a checklist, a target and a button to push. All I gotta know is how to push it, they tell me when. They seem to want you to know why.Hunter: I would hope they'd want us all to know why, sir.The problem with Capt. Ramsey was that he just didn't appreciate the gravity of launching nuclear missiles. His mind was fixed up on carrying the order.
When Reagan was briefed by the SIOP for first time,he wrote this in his diary:
One of the first statistics I saw was the most sobering.. startling I ever heard. I never forget it. The Pentagon said that at least 150 million American lives will be lost in a nuclear war with Soviet Union, even if we won. And there are still some people in the Pentagon who claim that nuclear war is winnable. I thought they were crazy.
From another source:
"The Pentagon said at least 150 million American lives would be lost in a nuclear war with the Soviet Union — even if we 'won.' For Americans who survived such a war, I couldn't imagine what life would be like. The planet would be so poisoned the 'survivors' would have no place to live. Even if a nuclear war did not mean the extinction of mankind, it would certainly mean the end of civilization as we knew it. No one could 'win' a nuclear war. Yet as long as nuclear weapons were in existence, there would always be risks they would be used, and once the first nuclear weapon was unleashed, who knew where it would end? My dream, then, became a world free of nuclear weapons.... For the eight years I was president I never let my dream of a nuclear-free world fade from my mind."
An American Life by Ronald Reagan
Hunter clearly understood this. I remember something like when Captain tells him:
"God help you if you are wrong" he replies
"Well if I am wrong, then God help us all".
Imagine the end of the world civilization by the hands of a Captain who thought he was just taking part in some dick measuring contest.
~Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes~