The end

Why is denzel so nice and chummy with hackman? The guy almost ended the world, threatened to execute fellow sailors and punched the crap out of him yet at the end he's completely o.k with him going unpunished and is even nice to him in the final scene. What gives?


As such, the recommendations of this panel will be to accept, in a manner reflective of his long and dedicated service to his country, Captain Ramsey's request for early retirement from active duty and based in no small part, on Captain Ramsey's recommendation that Lt Cdr Hunter be given his next command at the earliest possible convenience.


i get that but didn't denzel do everything by the book so should have been at no fault in the first place?


I agree, that did not sit well with me either.

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Post by Hit Girl on 5 hours ago
Great movie, although personally I would have favored a twist ending with Gene Hackman being correct and the orders being confirmed to nuke Russia.
