MovieChat Forums > Crimson Tide (1995) Discussion > The Star Trek references make me vomit.

The Star Trek references make me vomit.

They are so childish and out of place, totally repulsive. They ruin this movie.



See, the ST ref usage in this movie annoys me, too, but that's mostly because it's
so clear that the writers have only a vague knowledge of the source material.

There is no such episode.

"Morbius, something is approaching from the southwest. It is now quite close."


Well that's accurate for most people. Most people don't know exact details for every episode. They know a few things like Klingons, "Beam me up, Scotty" (which was never actually said in the series or in the movies), etc. About the closest episode I can think of to the reference in the movie was the one where they pinched the Romulan cloaking device and were in a big bloody hurry to adapt it to the Enterprise before the Romulans blew them away.

When a loose cannon flogs a dead horse, there's the Devil to pay!




not many people realize Tarantino wrote a bit of dialgue for Crimson Tide...(check his writing credits here..)

he wrote several scenes for Tony Scott....
including the horses, silver surfer, and this scene


The welfare of all the people has always been the alibi of tyrants. Albert Camus

Oh I'm so glad other people dislike the Star Trek references. I dislike them too, but for a different reason. I know nothing about submarines but I DO know Star Trek and Hunter's analogy is WRONG!

I always enjoy a good Trek reference but only if it's accurate. I understand that Cmdr. Hunter was trying to give Vossler a bit of encouragement and trying to get him to relax. But I cringe when he says that Vossler is like Scotty and he, Hunter, "needs more warp speed." I always think "NO you don't. You need a RADIO!" Scotty was the Chief Engineer. Lt. Uhura was in charge of Communications.

There were times on the Enterprise when communications were down and Kirk needed Uhura to get them up and running. He didn't ask Scotty for warp speed when he needed to communicate with someone. lol

If the writers want to use a Trek reference, they should at least go find a Trekker and do it right!

Anyway, a very minor quibble with an otherwise great film.


It's kind of funny because you could basically do a shot for shot remake of this movie set in the Star Trek universe and it wouldn't miss a beat. I agree that the actual reference to Star Trek was a bit off putting, however.


Why? He was trying to boost his morale, trying to make him laugh and think, I thought it was great. In the heat of the moment you're not going to make sure your Trek knowledge is 100% accurate, get real.


In addition, one of the classic Scotty lines is "You canna change the laws of physics!" - this was possibly used when Kirk had asked Scott to redline the matter-antimatter reactors... think going even over full military power... or even push them harder, risking a runaway reaction.

Think similar to other films with nuc subs where the chief engineer would be ready to SCRAM the core if the reaction ran away.

The allusion with Vossler getting comms back up was that they needed it up NOW.


Quick trivia: The Star Trek references and most of the pop culture dialogue were written by Quentin Tarantino


Nope, I liked Star Trek. I didn't mind them a bit.

Deutschland hat die Weltmeisterschaft zum vierten Mal gewonnen! πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


It worked for me, I was in the Navy, and we made our fair share of Star Trek references. I had a Petty Officer First Class that would always say, "make it so" after telling us to do something, like Captain Picard.

The Silver Surfer argument was a little out of place, I enjoyed it as a comic book fan, but not very realistic, sailors were more likely to get into fights over sports trivia or rappers (I was in late 80's and 90's).
