MovieChat Forums > Crimson Tide (1995) Discussion > To all you Military Personnel

To all you Military Personnel

This is the first time I have come to the IMDB crimson Tide site. Despite the fact that I view IMDB almost every day. ( crimson Tide is showing on Comcast cable right now. )

Personal opinions and bantering back-and-forth aside, I find this particular message board to be one of the most interesting I have seen. Due to the experience and expertise that our military personnel bring to this message board.

To cgsailor, dubya, fskpilot, and all of those on this message board that have served, or are serving, our country...






Are you really Indian? If you are then you would know what that is you D.I.P.!

You're taking a dump and they call GQ do you pinch it off or finish your business?



DIP=Dirty Idiotic Punjab.

You're taking a dump and they call GQ do you pinch it off or finish your business?



Punjab is not a reference to a place in this case you Moe-Ron. You are a Punjab! Its a derogatory slur used to describe indians in general even if they aren't from Punjab. Smelly fvck!

You are taking a dump and they call GQ do you pinch it off or finish your business?


But I'm from Indiana

I thought you were from West London? Now you're from the midwest too?



Thank you.

You should also check out other Military film boards and you will find a wide variety of subject matter experts

Tora Tora Tora, Red October, Top Gun, and many many others

Just watch out for daddy Tej, AKA Grondig66 AKA TheGreatMoghul, AKA about a dozen if not more Sock puppet accounts.
He is a stolen valor sh!tbag, not even an American, never having served a day in his life, yet he claims to be a Marine Navy fighter pilot Seal Submarine Officer.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


