XO fights a galley fire?
I am aware that this movie features many breaches of Naval protocol but I just have to bring this one up because it seems to go completely undiscussed on these boards.
I don't have any experience working with the US Navy but I'm familiar with some rules and regs of the Royal Navy. One of which is that fire fighting teams on board any ship (or boat) are specifically designated their tasks on the watch & station bill. The XO would never don the fire fighting gear and start tackling the fire himself. HIs place is on the bridge co-ordinating the fire fighting effort.
One of the reasons for this is that, funnily enough, he's the freakin' Executive Officer and other stuff may be going on that requires his attention. Lo and behold, this is exactly what happens while Hunter is being a have-a-go hero doing someone else's job for them and neglecting his own.
In the movie it goes completely unaddressed and since it's such a huge plot point it pretty much ruins the film for me because knowing that Hunter was so blatantly in the wrong yet is being presented as noble and heroic pulls me out of the movie. I become all too aware that I'm watching a phony movie set in some alternate 'movie universe' (where reckless idiots are made out to be shining examples of virtue) made by people who had no knowledge (or more likely just didn't give a $h!t) about how a professional Navy works.
Unless I'm wrong and XO's in the US Navy are well within their rights to do what Hunter did.