MovieChat Forums > Crimson Tide (1995) Discussion > terminate launch cheering

terminate launch cheering

This is one of my favorite scenes in the movie. I know it's far from being unique, but many war or "on-the-brink-of-war" movies have cheers when target is hit, be it a fighter hitting another fighter or the destruction of an enemy planet. It's really nice to see people celebrate and cheer NOT to fire/attack.


I know of nobody, not even a chickenhawk, would celebrate the arrival of nuclear war.


I didn't say one would celebrate the arrival of nuclear war, but in many movies you often get "Yeaaah great hit", when hitting the enemy.... Even in Star Wars they cheered twice at the destructions of the two Death Stars. It's just nice to see the opposite once and a while... when victory is not defeating the enemy, but defeating the conflict itself.


Not a one of us who are or have served in uniform would be saddened by the END of a conflict.

Sure we'll cheer the destruction of a target, especially one that was trying to kill us. Bu that's not the same thing as cheering on the conflict itself. We all want it to end so we can go home.
So no... It is not that unusual.

Anyone saying otherwise are sh!t talking Civilians with not a clue WTF they're talking about.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


"Anyone saying otherwise are sh!t talking Civilians with not a clue WTF they're talking about."

Let's try and keep this on a certain level of mutual respect shall we?

I never claimed this was unusual. I never said that people who serve in uniform would be saddened by the END of a conflict.
I pointed out what is often seen on the big screen... I made no claim nor connection whatsoever suggesting what the situation is in real life.
What I did say was that you often see in (especially war-themed) movies: one side cheers after hitting a particular target (if it's a single airplane or an entire planet) of it's enemy. Btw I also never even stated that this was controversial nor did I mention that one would cheer on the conflict itself. I would do the same thing in that situation (cheer hitting a target that was threating to hit us). What I did say/meant was that it was nice to see people cheering defeating violence rather than the enemy to gain victory or resolve conflict. I might have chosen my words poorly.... I apologize for that.


I might have chosen my words poorly.... I apologize for that.

The way you worded your OP, while you did not state it outright, implied the very thing that I reacted against.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


No, it didn't.
He never said nor implied, not even vaguely, that soldiers would cheer at the arrival of a war.

You are the one who started talking shìt for no reason.

Get a grip.


frak off

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


Yeah, it's not like I was expecting a thoughtful reply.



I know of nobody, not even a chickenhawk, would celebrate the arrival of nuclear war.

You clearly haven't met the American neocons.


Even more clearly, neither have you.


Also one of the most obvious of submarines regulations. Such noise would give their location away.


This scene was much more heartwarming than all those romantic dramas with happy endings where true love will win. That scene was awesome. Not many films depict people cheering about terminated launch. It gave this smooth (but little bit silly) action thriller much deeper , and much more anti-war meaning than some of those artsy 'anti-war' films, at least I think so.


James Gandolfini's character looked as if he was quite annoyed that it was terminated.


I think an appropriate ending would have been, during their cheering session, another renegade Akula emerges from the depths and obliterates them.

Rig for ultra quiet peeps.


Original Poster, I agree wholeheartedly with your statement. Don't worry about the person underneath you trying to start a fight for no reason. You have no reason to apologize, as you did nothing wrong. Clearly, you were talking about scenes in MOVIES...not real life. As you stated. Anyway, just wanted to say I completely agree that it was a very refreshing scene to see. Very well put.
