Excellent movie, but could have been Great...
This movie gets so much right it's teetering on greatness. Here's where I think it falls short:
The pacing is slightly off. It could benefit from being longer and having more breathing room. A 3 hour version with wider shots and a more meditative tone, like an old epic, would allow for more detail, nuance, and really draw us into the world of submarine life. The conversations are some of the best parts of the movie - more of that.
Vagueness. Scott's music video roots come through in some of the impressionistic treatment of the film's action. What EXACTLY was Vossler doing with those circuit boards and how did he fix the radio? How did the engine guys fix the propeller and what exactly was wrong with it? Why couldn't the bilge deck guys hear the dude yelling at them? What was their geographical relationship to him?
Unnecessary Racist Ramsey. It cheapens his character and almost makes him a boo-hiss bad guy, which the film intelligently avoids for the most part. I suspect this was a Tarantino contribution, along with the slightly out-of-place pop culture references. It narrowly avoids a 'pie' scene.
Dumbed Down Script. I get the feeling that an intelligent and subtle script went through the Bruckheimer/Simpson machine and came out worse off. The great dialogue scenes between Hunter and Ramsey soon give way to the more action-heavy beats. I'd like to have seen this predicament explored with a more art-house approach, or for the studio to have treated this as a prestige picture in reach of Oscars. The action would still be there, but it would have added significance.
Any other thoughts on this?