Can someone explain to me Max's plan?
How exactly was intercepting the last package at Devil's Peak going to prove Max's innocence?
shareHow exactly was intercepting the last package at Devil's Peak going to prove Max's innocence?
shareIt would prove Bragdon was still alive or (if Bragdon was using a false name) at least that the package contained money and the resident of the house was smuggling money, and, consequently, would lead the cops to realize the guy who lived there was Bragdon.
"I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?"
So since Bragdon burned his own house, faked his own death, had two fake FBI agents running the investigation, why didn't he wait to do all that until he had the last package? Because if he had, Max wouldn't have been able to track him down.
How did the fake FBI agents get on TV without the real FBI knowing what they were up to?
So since Bragdon burned his own house, faked his own death, had two fake FBI agents running the investigation, why didn't he wait to do all that until he had the last package? Because if he had, Max wouldn't have been able to track him down.
How did the fake FBI agents get on TV without the real FBI knowing what they were up to?